Chapter 1

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Clementine put AJ to bed, looking over to the shirts that Louis had just dropped off. AJ fell asleep easily, but Clem however couldn't sleep. All that was on her mind the last 24 hours was the conversation that her and AJ had about Lee. She thought about him constantly after that conversation. She thought about her relationship with him when she was younger. At the time she thought of him as a friend, and nothing more. Now she's passed that.
    Now she sees him like a father. Actually scratch that, he is her father. She loves him so much and wants to see him again, but she can't. He's not with her anymore, he's gone. She can't talk to him anymore, give him hugs, or gain advice and love. She's all alone without him. His death was all her fault. She always blamed herself when others tried to convince her otherwise. His death was her fault. Always has been. Always will be. With that thought in her mind, she decides that she needs to get away from AJ for a bit, she needs somewhere to be alone, to cry.

She quietly gets up from her bed, walks to the door, and looks back at AJ, making sure that she didn't wake him. As she walks out of the room, she thinks of the room where she goes to be by herself, her art room. She kept drawing even after Lee died. Art just brought peace to her mind, and she was really, really good. All these years of her drawings were just sketches of Lee. She would draw some of her and Lee in a father/daughter relationship, which helped her cope with his death. Mostly she drew his face, so she could remember what he looked like. The walls of her art room were covered in her art of him. The only part that was uncovered, was a window across the room that overlooked the courtyard to the front of the school.

As much as she loved doing her art projects, she couldn't help but cry while doing them. She missed Lee more than she ever thought was possible, yet she was feeling what she thought was the worst pain she had ever felt in a long time. As she went to the window, she saw a light in the distance. Lilly.

    She was coming to take Clementine's friends to turn them into, soldiers, slaves. She turned around to head out of the room, grabbed her bow, and walked outside. She was going to face Lilly alone, and she wasn't going to let them in. As she headed outside, she could see that Lilly was passing the gate entrance.

"I would stop if I were you," said Clem, drawing her bow, aiming it towards Lilly.

"And why would I do that, your the only one out here. Plus, you have a bow, we have guns." said Lilly, giving Clementine a hateful glare. Everyone in her group raised their weapons toward Clem. She froze. How was she going to get out of this one?

"I see that you took on Lee's character and determination. Good for you, really. But that won't last long, because your going to die, right here, right now!" said Lilly.

"Not if I kill you first," said Clem, determined to do whatever she could to keep her friends safe. Lilly smirked, she was going to enjoy this.

"If Clementine moves even an inch, shoot her," said Lilly, starting to walk toward Clementine.

She shook in fear, afraid that even a blink would set a bullet racing at her. Lilly was now within arm's length from Clementine. With her bow still drawn, Clem looked into Lilly's eyes. They were so full of hate and anger towards her. They both stood there for a few seconds. All the sudden, in the blink of an eye, Clementine no longer had her bow. She looked over and saw her bow in Lilly's hands. She had been disarmed, and extremely quickly too.
    A look of fear and worry laid across Clem's face. Now she was dead, she had to be. There was no surviving now. It was over. She looked into Lilly's eyes once again.

    "You are just like him. Looking at you, Lee would be so disappointed in you." said Lilly. That broke Clem's heart in two. Was she right? She thought back to their relationship. All the time that she had known Lee, he had protected her. They were a team, they always were and always would be.

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