Author's Note

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There are tons of made up things in here so I would like to tell you about them so it's not just pure nonsense.

Main species:

In this world cross-species mating is possible, the child will become whatever species the mother is.

Yixinin (Vix-in.) - good, people with the ears of a fennec fox (larger to fit head size) that stand usually somewhere between 3-5ft. Very small deer antlers (both male and female have). Legs of mountain goats, other wise normal humans. They all have warm brown hair but ear colors vary. Wear petals connected by a string that is either worn as a necklace or a crown. Clothes made by a brown cloth. Usually carry weapons made of wood or (if your a higher rank) a magical magma. Live in different camps along the land, although they do have a main leader and main camp. Life span: 50-100 years. Amount living: around 700. (A tribe with a leader that the citizens decide.)

Icuguar (ick-you-gar.) - bad, large blue giants that stand about 7-8 feet tall. Beards/hair a darker blue filled with icicles. 3 eyes, usually carry weapons made of ice. Wear clothes made of different animal hides. Live on the top of the highest mountain. Life Span: Immortal (old age wise, can be killed by sickness and wounds.) Amount living: around 3,000. (Kings and/or Queens, throne is inherited by mother/father.)

Umodillo (Ooo-ma-dillo.) - good, allies of the Yixinin. Giant armadillos the size of a normal person. All of them have green eyes. They wear clothes made of silk from the Wroririd clan and necklaces/ankles made of bones. They usually carry weapons made of iron that they mine. They live in a huge cave system, the entrance is near the main Vixinin camp. Life Span: 50-100 years. Amount living: around 600. (They have a head chief but a council decides everything.)

Wroririd (Worry-id.) - neutral, leans more towards good. They are a clan of normal looking people other than the fact that they shoot spider-silk. They wear clothes made if they're silk and supply these clothes to the Umodillo. They're born with the mark of a spider on their neck. They carry weapons that are given to them by the Umodillo. They live in a large grove of Enkanae (en-knock-aye) trees. Life Span: 25-75 years. Amount Living: 1,000. (They have a clan leader that makes all the decisions with their deputy.)

Shizopal (shits-zoo-pal.)- good, there are only about 5 left of their kind. They live with the Vixinin. People with the ears, tails, and muzzle of dogs. They wear clothes/dresses made of leaves, vines and different plants. They don't carry weapons because they use their abnormally sharp teeth and claws. Life Span: 45-90 years. Amount living: 5. (Before almost going extinct they lived without a leader and used colored stones to vote on things.)


All leaders are granted longer lives.

Vixinin Leader: Dhara (Duh-hara.) Applethorn. The eldest Vixinin, 443 years old. Stands at the height of 5'0. Wears the usual petal necklace but also wears the petal crown. His fennec ears are a dark brown. His warm brown hair is now a salt n pepper color. He has warm amber eyes and usually doesn't wear anything. (They don't wear pants because of goat legs so no shirt.) Carries a magical wooden bow with arrows dipped in different potions. Has the longest antlers of all of the Vixinin. Has been leader for 423 years.

Icuguar King: Roder Zizder (Rue-der. Zits-er.) The eldest Icuguar, 7,679 years old. He stands at the height of 8'11. Wears the pelt of a soft ancient monster and carries and spear of ice. His beard reaches down about halfway to his belly button and long hair down his back. His spear is passed down from his father and all the kings/queens before him. Has been leader for 7,233 years.

Umodillo Leader: Otaz Eforn (Oh-taz. Eee-forn.) Eldest Umodillo, 441 years old. Stands at the height of 5'9. He wears a long necklace covered in bones and bits of ore. His shell/armadillo armor is painted with flowers and bones. His eyes are a deep emerald green. He had a long gray beard that reaches his feet. His weapon is that his shell is covered in iron spikes. Has been leader for 412 years. (Does not make decisions, the council does that.)

Wroririd Leader: Renita Eastfang (Ren-you-eat-ta.) Eldest Wroririd, 123 years old. Wear a black silk shirt with gray silk shorts. She has long, curly, black hair and dark purple eyes. So has tattoos of webs all over her left arm. Her chosen weapon is an iron sword covered in poison. Has been leader for 92 years.

Shizopal Representative: Vinar Pierwing (Vine-are. Pier-wing.) They are 25 years old. They wear a shirt woven from vines and shorts made of beech leaves and vines. Their breed of dog is a golden retriever. They don't carry a weapon like the rest of their species.

Minor Species:

These species don't talk and don't live in organized government.

Atolea (At-to-leah) - good, they are black wolves and have different markings/colored markings based on their element. There are 4 elements they could be, water, air, earth, and fire. Water Atolea can control water and teleport when in water. Air does the same but with winds. Earth does the same but with earth/mud. Fire does the same but with fire/smoke. The elements can work together to make other elements (ex, air and water can make storm.) Life Span: 35-90 years.

Dragons - good, I'm not gonna write about this, they're normal dragons.

Krinkaves (Krin-caves) - good, they are larger than usual lions that come in thousands of different colors. They are just like the Atolea, based on elements. Life Span: 50-100

Main Characters:

Redman Neimi (Nem-ee)

A Cuban boy about 6'2 in height. He is 16 years old and has dark brown hair. His hair is short and wavy with an undercut. He has brown eyes. He is quite strong and likes to fight. He's only really calm around his friends. Sexuality: He's trying to figure it out.

Jules Shue (Sh-u)

An asian girl about 5'6 in height. She is 14 years old and has long black hair. Her hair is slightly wavy and she has blue eyes. She loves plants and has all kinds of knowledge about animals. He's usually very happy. Sexuality: Lesbian.

Austin Sage

A caucasian boy about 5'9 in height. He is 15 years old and has blonde hair. His blonde hair is extremely curly and goes past his shoulders. His hair is a very light blonde so it's more white but is completely natural. He was lively green eyes. He loves to cook, you can ask him anything about cooking or food and he knows. He is almost always hyper and happy. Sexuality: Gay

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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