1 - Introducing Amina + Linemo

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"REALLY?!" Amina yells at her cousin Linemo.

"You should see your face!" Linemo says while laughing.

"I am going to kill you!" Amina growls out. Linemo yelps and runs. "Dad! Aunties! Uncle! Grandmas! Grandpas! Someone! Help!" Linemo yells while Amina goes after him.

Jake comes in with a fish in his hands and Linemo bumps into him and almost immediately hides behind him while saying "Grandpa Jake! Help me please! Amina is after me!

"What did you do" Jake says. Amina stops in front of him huffing. "Ah, Linemo, why did you pour seaweed and mud on Amina?" Jake asks. "BECAUSE HE IS ANNOYING!" Amina yells and lunges behind Jake to attack Linemo. "AAHH! AMINA MERCY PLEASE!" Linemo cries out trying to save himself.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" Neteyam says as he enters the room. Lo'ak comes in right behind Neteyam and says "yep, definitely Sully's" while shaking his head at the sight.

"Dad, Uncle Neteyam, help me! Get Amina off! Please!" Linemo cries out. "You deserve this!" Amina says while laughing.

Neteyam shakes his head and walks over to the two fighting and picks Amina up and off of Linemo with ease. "DAD! LET ME GO! Amina yells while starting to kick. Lo'ak walks over to them and grabs Linemo by the ear and picks him off the ground. "Apologize to Amina now!" Lo'ak says and shoves him towards her a little.

"Fine! I'm sorry Amina" Linemo says. "Whatever!" Amina huffs while rolling her eyes.

Neteyam puts Amina down after Lo'ak takes Linemo away so that Amina can go get cleaned up.

"They definitely remind me of you, your brother and your sisters when you guys were younger" Jake says while chuckling. "Definitely!" Neteyam says while laughing.

 "Definitely!" Neteyam says while laughing

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