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"dick its halloween why today for this mission."y/n whined going through the zeta tube. "because" "thats not a reason babe." they got onto the bio ship y/n going to one of the changing rooms to change into a simple but formal dress and heels.

they were going to get tara and blow up some hotspot. after getting tara however y/n was to watch the kids to make sure brion didnt do anything stupid and stand down unless the team needed her. "Y/N!you need to get here now!'artemis cried. "are you okay?!"she screamed. "ahh!" and the earpiece cut out. "ok kids i have to go down. do something stupid and i kill you. stay put." the bio ship opened a hatch and y/n jumped out. a mist alll the bullshit she got in safely and tracked artemis with her contacts  and found them trying to fight off jack one of the terror twins.

she sneaked up on him,punching him thorugh the wall. "you never leave without those gloves on do you?"artemis asked. "never!i love them so much!" "not more than me do you??" dick asked. "never. now go before he wakes up. i need to test out their endurance." y/n smiled. jack did get up but his sister came with him.

they were tag teaming y/n and she was keeping up. "shija!" she shouted manifesting her wolf. "maximize." the wolf increased in size which was almost six times jack's size. it was easy to knock them out. when she ran outside she jumped onto shija to get onto the bio ship. "minimize." the wolf got small enough for her to get into the bio ship. "now thats what i call a fight!" y/n jumped with a big smile. 'thank you conner, thank you!" she tackled her brother to the ground.


novemeber 22

thanksgiving.a holiday to be thakful for people around you.every year dick and y/n did the same thing.sleep. y/n had a tendency to buy dick gifts no matter the holiday so to get her out of that habit they go out the night before to tire themselves out.soon the sun woke the two up.well atleast dick.y/n didn't move.

she was to tired to move or do anything,so dick just left her be.he washed his face and went to the front house to continue  sleeping. y/n finally got up around 1 and she found that lunch had already been made."aww babe." she smiled seeing that he was eating at their big ass table. y/n was eating when the phone rang and it was virgil. 

"hey virgil, you okay?"she asked putting the plates into the sink. "yeah, are you coming to the meet up?? i think the kids would love to see you. pertida is here to." y/n mentally face palmed. she totally forgot. "yeah yeah im just gonna get ready. can i bring dick? i know ya'll havent seen him much either."

"yeah thats fine, see you." she hung up the phone."so where we going?" dick asked picking y/n up for no reason. "virgil had planned for me to surprised megan's team at the youth center today but i totally forgot to ask you if you wanted to come with me."

"im down, you go get ready,i have to check something on the ferrari anyways."dick kissed her cheek and y/n went to get ready.she already knew that was dick was gonna drive the ferrari since they wanted to exercise it a little bit. y/n had a hot shower and started putting  on her clothes when dick came into the bedroom.

he smiled looking y/n up and down. "we can't we're already late, get ready hotness." the two were soon out the door and downstairs into the garage. "you wanna drive?" y/n asked handing him the keys.she got into the passenger seat and dick started up the car. 

arriving at the festival y/n easily found virgil and he was looking sad."whats wrong virgil?"y/n asked giving him a hug."nothing, just everyone's in a relationship but me." "dont mind that relationships arent cake."she give him a kiss on his cheek before he guided her to the rest of the team. "hey!" she smiled. "Y/N!"they all ran to squeeze her in a tight hug. 

"hiiii, im so happy to actually meet you!im traci!" jaime's girlfriend squealed. "shes a big fan of you.and she knows you and dick are married." jaime whispered to y/n. "hey, nice to meet you. your so pretty."y/n smiled. "y/n meet traci my girlfriend." jaime said. "WHAT?damn jaime i always thought you had no game."y/n laughed.

throughout the day everyone was playing games,winning prizes as such.in the end dick ended up winning y/n a polar bear plushie.seeing her smile meant the most to dick.he hated seeing her frown and he would do anything to prevent that from happening. "dick, i think we should take a trip together."y/n blurted out unintentionally. "ohhh to do what exactly?" Impulse winked. 

y/n side eyed him before jaime elbowed him hard and started to drag him away. "what do you mean angel?" "i know we spend a lot of time with each other and stuff,but we've probably only taken trips for missions.we should do one so it'll just be us to relax." dick was silent thinking about it. "why not?you pick a place and i'll do everything else." dick kissed her cheek. "you serious?thank you!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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