Conflicting Times

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Both Lapis and y/n talked all night, mostly about the nature surrounding them. They both agreed that the ongoing war wasn't anything they wanted to speak about, so they didn't. Y/n preferred this, that way she wouldn't have to know about what he had to do to those gems, it was better that she never knew.

"Come with me, there's something I want to show you." Lapis says as she stands up and stretches, they've been sitting on this log all night. Y/n nods his head and follows the blue gem. She brings him to an area, completely new to y/n. This area was absolutely enchanting, the light being reflected off of the small pond, and the life that surrounded the two was beautiful. "So, is this the reason you brought me here? The scenery?" After this sarcastic comment, a small laugh can be heard from Lapis as her gem glows and she begins to use her powers on the water. She forms a small hand that is used to wave at y/n, who waves back at it.

"That was incredible! I had no clue Lapis Lazulis could do such a thing." Lapis looks at him, flustered and makes her way towards him. "I just thought it would be easier to show you than tell you. I showed you what I can do, now you show me what you can do." She didn't ask this of him, she basically demanded him to. Y/n stood there, completely idle "You know that I was created for war, there's not much else I can do except fight." He knew this answer would disappoint her, but it's the truth. "Hmm, that's a bummer."He's shocked, that's her only response? It's certainly not what he was expecting, but he'll take what he can get.

An awkward silence begins to take hold, but before either one of them can get a word in, y/n's gem begins to beep. He puts his wrist up and a message is displayed. It's from Yellow diamond herself. She commands him to return to the battlefield and continue the fight, reinforcements had arrived and caught the rebellion off guard, this was their chance. Y/n signs off and looks at Lapis one last time. "I..really had a great time, talking all last night, even today, thank you so much, Lazuli, I hope to see you again soon." He reaches out his hand to shake her farewell. Lapis sees this and looks up at him and chuckles before going in for a hug. "You idiot. If we don't see each other soon, I'll find you myself." Lapis jokes as she lets him go.

Y/n had disappeared from the forest and made his way back onto the battlefield. Everything was insane to him. There was so much more firepower on his side, the fight looked like it would be a breeze. After he looked around at the soldiers that surrounded him, he saw a lack of Hessonite. He sighed in relief, he wouldn't have to shatter any gems today. He draws out his weapons, but not the blades, after his experience on this planet, he didn't want to hurt anything.

He immediately got right back to work, fighting gems on the ground. The rebellion had grown stronger, he'll give them that much, but they were no match for him. It was gem after gem for him, sure, they could land a few hits on him, but they couldn't keep him down. A trail of different gems followed him as he made his way towards the leader of the rebellion, Rose Quartz.

On his call with Yellow previously, it had been stated that Rose was someone that needed to be shattered, she had done too much and needed to be eliminated. Y/n approaches from behind and summons his blades into his gauntlet. He would be in and out. As he lunged his gauntlet towards the distracted Rose Quartz, he hears a distant voice screaming among the chaos. He immediately puts his weapons away and runs towards the screaming, which is noticed by Rose herself, confused by this disobeying soldier.

As y/n ran, he only became more worried, but he still inches closer towards the screaming. Much to his dismay, it was indeed who he thought it was. It was Lapis, fighting back against his fellow soldiers. He knew Lapis wasn't with the rebellion, she wasn't here to fight. He quickly ran towards her, but as soon as he gets there she's poofed right in front of him.

Filled with conflicting emotions, he punches the soldier that had done it "She wasn't one of them, you dimwit! You don't know what you've do-" Before he could finish his sentence, he's hit with a destabalizer and poofed for being out of line. His gems are taken and brought back to his creator, while Lapis' gem is put into a mirror by her captors to sway the war in their favor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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