Chapter 10

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I sit at my desk, engrossed in my work when I sense the presence of someone entering my office. Without even looking up, I know it's Alexander Bross, my best friend, and Chief Officer, by his distinct lack of courtesy when it comes to knocking. I can't help but sigh inwardly, expecting the playful banter that often accompanies his visits.

"I told you to knock, didn't I, Alex?" I say, my eyes still fixated on the computer screen before me.

Alex lets out a dramatic sigh, his voice dripping with a mock apology. "I apologize, my darling Zee," he replies, throwing himself onto the couch beside my desk.

I roll my eyes at his choice of endearment. "Call me 'Zee' one more time, Lexie, and I will bury you alive," I retort, my tone laced with both exasperation and amusement. I loosen my tie and rest my head against the plush leather chair, feeling the weight of exhaustion settle upon me.

Alex grins mischievously and settles onto the couch, swinging his legs in the air and resting his chin on his hands. The city lights outside cast a gentle glow on his face, giving him an almost ethereal appearance. With a tilt of his head, he leans closer to me, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"So, when are you going to tell her?" he asks, propping his head up with his hand.

I keep my eyes closed, my mind whirling with conflicting emotions. "Tell her what?" I reply, feigning ignorance.

A knowing smile dances upon Alex's lips. "You know... that you're the actual owner of the hotel and the office?" he says, his voice filled with both intrigue and amusement.

I run my fingers through my hair, a sign of my internal turmoil. "I really like her, Alex," I confess, my voice tinged with vulnerability. "But I don't know her well enough yet. I know I'm falling for her, fast and hard. But I'm afraid that she will only like me for my money. I want her to see me as just a regular guy working in an office. If she likes me, it means she likes me for who I am, not for my wealth."

Alex stares at me dumbfoundedly, his gaze filled with a mix of surprise and understanding. "Wow, mate. You really are serious this time, aren't you?" he says, his voice tinged with awe.

I nod with a sigh, acknowledging the depth of my feelings. "You know she'll find out who I am soon enough," I reply. "But for now, I want to build a connection with her based on genuine affection and trust, untainted by the influence of my status or wealth."

Alex chuckles, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Anyways, how was your lunch? I saw the two of you together," he teases, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.

I roll my eyes, unable to hide a small smile. I grab a random pen from my desk and playfully throw it at him. "Get back to work, Lexie," I say, my voice filled with a mix of fondness and authority. "I want those documents submitted by the end of the day."

Alex giggles his way out of my office, promising to fulfill his duties. However, something weighs on my mind, and I can't let it go. I call out to him, determined to have the conversation that has been simmering within me.

"Lexie! Come back here," I call, my voice firm yet gentle.

Alex returns, leaning lazily against the doorframe, his eyebrows raised in curiosity. I take a deep breath, preparing myself for what I'm about to ask.

"What's going on between you and my sister?" I inquire, my voice filled with curiosity.

Alex stiffens, caught off guard by the question. He stutters, attempting to find the right words. "What do you mean?" he finally manages to say.

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