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   With a content sigh, Fry let himself slump further onto the couch as he drank another can of Slurm. Once, he had drank so much of the radioactive soda that he had begun to glow with a neon green hue, but it didn't bother him for the first time- and he thought it would be worth it if it happened again.

  Pushing the thoughts of radioactivity aside, Fry took a large guzzle of his soda and finished it off. As he threw aside his empty can and reached to open another, Professor Farnsworth entered the room, followed by Leela, Bender, Amy, and Hermes.

"Good news, everyone!" the professor announced. "Our last delivery for the day has been cancelled!" He paused for a moment in thought. "Wait... that's not good news! Why did they cancel?"

  "What was the delivery?" Fry wondered.

 "This delivery was to the planet Omicron Persei-8," Professor Farnsworth replied. "They have large orders because of Emperor Lrrr."

  Fry sat up as he cracked open another can of Slurm and took a sip. "Oh. So... does that mean we have the rest of the day off?"

  Leela put her hands on her hips and spoke to him in a stern tone, "Fry."

 "Why, yes, I suppose it does," Professor Farnsworth continued. "There are no more deliveries to make."

 Professor Farnsworth shuffled out of the room, but not before bumping into the wall a couple of times.

"Alright!" Bender cheered. He took a seat on the couch next to Fry. "Are you down to party tonight or are you down to party tonight?" His mechanical face showed the most mischievous expression that it possibly could. "I hear there's some good stuff in the vault at The Hip Joint."

Fry grinned. "Yeah!"

"Maybe by the end of the night, your bones will even glow in the dark!" Bender jeered.

Fry turned to Leela, Amy, and Hermes. "Do you guys wanna come?"

"I could use a night out," Amy said. "What about you, Leela? Hermes?"

"Usually, I would pass, but tonight there is a limbo-ing contest and I just cannot miss my chance to get back into the game!" Hermes replied. "After all, I believe there is a prize."

"Nice!" Amy exclaimed.

"You comin', Leela, or what?" Bender asked.

"I don't know," Leela said. "Nightclubs aren't usually my thing."

"Awh, please?" Fry asked her. "It'd be no fun without you there!"


Fry gave her a pleading look, trying his best to look as sad as possible. Leela hated to admit it, but she couldn't resist him when he pulled that one out of the book. "Oh, alright," Leela said, a small smile hidden at the edge of her lips.

"Alright!" Fry exclaimed, happily. He leapt to his feet and wrapped his arms around her.

"But you have to buy me a drink," Leela told him.

"Was already planning on it," Fry said with a sly wink.

Leela rolled her eyes, trying to hide the smirk on her face from him.

"You know you love me," Fry told her.

"Somehow, I do," Leela teased him.

  As the gang began to talk further about what they would do at the club that night, Zoidberg entered the room.

"Did I hear talk about a party?" Zoidberg asked them. "I would like to go! I hear that they are going to be playing some traditional music from Decapod 10, my home planet. It will bring back the sounds of my childhood."

A Perfect Day At Planet ExpressWhere stories live. Discover now