47 : Tyranny

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"No, this fcking can't possibly happened! Find here, anywhere, I don't care"



He throws all the bottles of expensive wines from his office, the bottles shatter underneath his fingertips. They did little to call the fire brewing within him

"What did the doctor say?" Jimin asks Tae

"Yoongi hyung has comatosed, they can't say how long it would take for him to come back to sense or if he ever will"

"THAT Fcker IS TRYING TO BREAK ME! EVERYTHING IS FALLING APART" Jimin yells kicking his favorite Chinese vase. The vase shatters at the impact of the fall

"It'll be alright," I say, holding his hand

"It won't be, are you happy now? "

"Why would I be happy, Jimin?"

"You should be, this is what you wanted, right ?" He gulps

"That your God shows me my place, shows me who the fck he is?" Jimin continues bitterly as his tears fall from his eyes

"He's not in his senses," Taehyung says, dragging me away from Jimin

"He needs me now" I say, pushing Taehyung

"He needs to be alone now, trust me. I've known him for years" Taehyung pulls me away from Jimin's office

"How can I calm him down?" I ask, Taehyung hands me a mug

"You can't, he's gonna call down on his own when his fit is over " Taehyung says sipping from his mug of coffee

"I can't see him like this"

"The last I seen him like this was back when we were in graduated." Taehyung closes his eyes, as if back in those days

"What happened back then?"

"He had been dancing all throughout highschool, and as you know, he had a great voice too."

I nod

"After always planned to study contemporary dance in uni but his dad back then gave him an ultimatum to either not study at all or study but leave dance." He says

"What did he choose?" I ask

"He locked himself in a room, would not eat for day. Just like now, he would break everything in his room and shout at Yoongi hyung when Yoongi hyung took food to him with the spare key" he continues

"After a more or less of a month of self destruction, he came out of the room on his own" he takes a deep breath " -By the news of his father's death, Mr. Park met a heart failure"

"You and Jungkook were with him the whole time?" I ask

"We practically grew up together but after his father's death, as the older heir, he has to shoulder his father's duties."

Taehyung further elaborated even after Jimin became the boss, their relationship dynamic remained the same. However, Jimin's distance grew with Jungkook.

Not too much but both of them liked to stay alone, as their friendship fell apart, Taehyung too distanced himself from the other two

I could guess that this was the time when Jungkook joined hands with the Korean government


It's been 4 days since our wedding, Omoni, Jimin's mother is nowhere. Apparently Soekjin had taken her with him. Probably to blackmail Jimin.

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