Chapter Thirteen

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-Y/n's POV: Time Skip, about 2 weeks-

It's Saturday morning, today is my first official shift as a host at Raisins- I started a week ago but now I'm done with training and can make tips

All the other girls that work there are older than I am- but the manager didn't seem to care much about my age

When I went to apply she didn't even check the application- she had me to a spin, give her a smile and she told me that I had the job

The uniform was a little more revealing than I liked but I guess whatever makes money

The girls that work there are all really nice- the girl closest to my age is named Mercedes, she's 20, we've become pretty good friends since she's the only other host

Don't get me wrong, the girls that work here are all a little ratchet, but I don't have any girl friends yet so I'll take what I can get

My mom was proud of me for getting a job, she took me to get my permit last week so now I just need to save up some money to get a car

Mom said not to worry about that, but I'd feel bad taking advantage of her, especially since she's a single mother- God knows my father isn't giving her any help

The boys think it's hilarious that I work there, yet they've been in everyday I've worked here

The way they stare down every girl is disgusting-

Kenny has been able to flirt his food for free every time he's been- apparently this is what he's always done

I wouldn't say that I'm jealous- because I know these girls- and Kenny has made his feelings for obvious- but it definitely stirs up something in me

Mercedes snapped me out of my thoughts, "Earth to Y/n- there's customers coming in"

"Shit sorry Cedes- I'll seat them" I said grabbing some menus, "Hi guys welcome to Raisins" I said in my best customer service voice

When I looked up from the menus I was met with laughter- "I thought it was too good to be true" the girl laughed- Wendy

"Guess she really is a slut, huh Wendy" Bebe laughed

"Ratchet bitches" Red added

"Do we have a problem?" Mercedes said walking towards the three girls "the FUCK did you just call us"

Before I knew it, most of the Raisins girls came up to the host stand

"No problem- just saying the truth" Wendy snickered "we didn't come here to eat with the trash- just came to get a good laugh"

"and it was totally worth it" Bebe said, taking out her phone in an attempt to take a picture of me

Before she could Lexus slapped the phone out of her hand, "bitch" Bebe snapped

"I'd leave before this really gets ratchet" Porsche said, kicking Bebe back her phone

"Or what?" Wendy laughed "you'll kick us out" she fake pouted

"That's it" Rebecca said as she stormed up to Wendy, slapping her straight across the face, "get the fuck out of my family's restaurant- NOW"

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