Another dream i had

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I'm just gonna tell y'all straight up what happened.

Ok so, I woke up on my couch. As you know, the living room TV was always on but in my dream it wasn't, and it was kinda dark. All of a sudden I could see this male figure on top of me, I couldn't recall how he looked but he was taller than me. He went in between my legs and started kissing me while literally grinding in between my legs. I could feel every bit of it 😭, then he started grinding faster, and idk why but I could suddenly see myself in 2nd person, with all my clothes off and the man I told y'all about earlier was literally naked too, thrusting into me. Even though I was in second person I could still feel every single thing that was going on. He was pulling my hair and everything 😭.

Anyways that part of the dream had stopped, but I was still in the dream it just wasn't a sex part anymore.

So all of a sudden I saw myself in this village, walking with a man who had long blonde hair with blue eyes, I swear he sort of looked like Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil but let's not speak on that lol.
So yeah I was walking in a village with him and saw this bus. I decided to get on it and he got on too. He sat down on this big chair and stripped naked, asking the driver for a tattoo 😭 I was like wth, that's a driver not a tattoo artist smh 🤦

I had looked outside of the bus and saw 3 detectives. Idk why I hid bro I don't even know them, but it was a dream and I couldn't control nothing I did 🙄. Suddenly the detectives just got on the bus and I grabbed some covers and put it over me, and tried my best to get off the bus without them noticing me. BRO IM STILL FUCKING CONFUSED ON HOW IM HIDING EVEN THOUGH I DONT KNOW THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS. Did I escape prison or something? 😭

Anyways I finally made it off the bus, I don't fully know what happened when I got off, i don't even remember if the detectives got off, all I remember was the blonde haired boy with blue eyes that I said looked like Leon Kennedy was literally still on the bus, and a bunch of other people got on.

Me and him did not agree on riding the bus, so I don't even know why he stayed on. I peered through the bus window and signaled him to get off, this mf looked at me and still stayed on the bus... hoe.

Then I felt the bus shake and drive off. I was both surprised and shocked. That ugly mf was still on the damn bus after I told him to get off. I chased after the bus but I all of a sudden heard a grown man telling everyone to run away from the bus, and that it was out of control.

I looked around and saw a bunch of people running away from the bus so I did exactly what they did, ran the hell away from the bus.

I turned back around and the bus looked WRECKED as hell, it was missing it's wheels, windows were cracked, dents in the bus. I then recalled that the man was still on the bus. Idk why my ugly ass cried, I don't even know him fr 😔.

I had saw everybody walking to the back of the bus, and I did too. I saw this broken looking helicopter. Idk why I screamed but I did and tried to run away 😭 it was a broken helicopter why did I do that.

Idk what I saw but I saw these yellow things on this black background moving around and all of a sudden my vision went blurry. I gained my vision back and tried to get up and run away again until I saw the yellow things on this black background moving again and I lost my vision once again smh 🤦, this time I didn't wake up LMAOOO.

Well, that was all. Some other stuff happened after that where I waking up to me who was dressed up emo and stuff but I don't fully remember what happened after that, all I know is that the dream lasted a long time , so ofc there's more I don't remember.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more of my dreams cause I like to post the ones I remember. ❤️ hugs and kisses xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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