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(Welcome to New Orleans)

The streets of New Orleans were full of  tourists in the day.

But, only the actual residents knows the night secrets of New Orleans.

Eirene walked down the streets of New Orleans , in order to find any information of her sister.

But, she didn't find anything in the past three hours, and it was exhausting.

"Are you lost?". An unknown voice asked her from behind.

"Even if I was , I would not ask direction from you". She replied with roll of her eyes.

"Don't be rude. I was trying to help".
She turned around with a stern look.

"If you were so helpful and a kind person ,then you wouldn't have been following me for the past two hours, mi amòre".

Marcellous was surprised at the discovery.

She interupted him.
"Doesn't matter. Just tell what do you want from me".

Marcellous sighed, knowing he can't escape the question.

"I know everyone here. But, you are new here. Just wanted to check if you had any evil intentions".

Eirene laughed at his assumption.
"Only if you were a threat. Are you one?"  She mischievously asked with a warning undertone.

"Not at all, pretty girl". Marcellous fake surrenders with a smirk.

Eirene looked him up and down
"Not my type". She says before walking away.

Marcel stared at the retreating back of the beautiful girl.
"Didn't get a name. So sad. Hope we meet again".


Eirene stood before the doors of Mikaelson Manor or Plantation.

She was about to knock the door, but it opened before she could do the honours.

A dirty blond hair man whose dark blue-green eyes that contrasts with his pearl-white skin

He narrowed his eyes at the sight of her.
"And who you might be?".

Eirene smiled brightly.
"I am Eirene Marshall, the sister of the knocked out wolf of yours-".
Looking him up to down, she continues

"And,you might be the arrogant hybrid one night stand of my sister".

He widened his eyes at the insult
"Excuse me".

She nodded gracefully before walking in the house, after bumping him aside.
"You are excused, mi amóre".

"What is going on here?".
A woman who has natural light blond hair, light blue eyes, uttered before looking at Eirene.

"Who are you?".

"I have no idea who she is. She just barged in". Niklaus told her exaggeratedly.

Eirene rolled her eyes.
"Looks like with your IQ, your earing power is also low, Niklaus Mikaelson ".

"Not funny, you little-". Niklaus started ,approaching her intimidatingly

Rebekah tried to stifle a chuckle. She snorted out loud.

Eirene pointed at Rebekah.
"See, she finds it funny".

Rebekah gasped as she laughed out at the offended look on Niklaus's face.

"Alright alright, as much I find this funny, can you tell who you are?".

"As you want, beautiful". Eirene said, winking at Rebekah, who blushed.

Niklaus pointed at Rebekah.

Eirene rolled her eyes again in annoyance.
"Party pooper".

"Anyways, I am-".

Hayley's voice echoed in the hall.

"Ah, that would be my name and sister".
Eirene said before being pushed nearly to the ground.

"Oh, god, I missed you so much".
Hayley's voice of relief calmed the sugar rush of Eirene.

She cuddled to her arms before coughing.
"Geez, woman, do you want to kill me?".

Hayley quickly let her go.
"Oh, I am sorry. I just missed you alot".

Eirene laughed out.
"I know how much you missed me".
Hayley didn't miss the double meaning of her little Sister's word.

"You didn't tell us that you had a sister".
Niklaus accusingly said to Hayley.

Hayley shrugged.
"Might have missed that convo".

Niklaus rolled his eyes.

Hayley smiled at Eirene.
"Let me introduce you to them".

Eirene shook her head.
"No need. I am quite familiar with the face".

She pointed at Niklaus who raised his brow at her.
"That is Niklaus Mikaelson, the arrogant hybrid baby daddy of yours. And-".

Pointing at Rebekah, who smiled at Eirene.
"That is Rebekah Mikaelson, the beautiful blond who is also the aunt of your unborn devil's spawn".

Hayley laughed at her introduction.
"Why am I the arrogant hybrid?".
Niklaus glowered at her.

Eirene coyly said, "You are asking as if I am lying".

Niklaus nodded his head.
"That's a -".

"Fact". Eirene cut him out.

Rebekah laughed out loud.
"I already love her. Please say that you are staying".

"Ofcourse, I am staying. I ain't going anywhere until my niece is born".

Hayley arched her brow in question.
"How do you know that it is a girl".
Eirene pointed at Hayley's little bumpy stomach.

"Call it an aunt's intuition".

"Good call"


"No one asked you, hybrid bitch".


"Alright, alright ".

Hayley turned to Eirene.



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