Part #3

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"Miss Haejun," the nurse said.
"Come in.." I said.
"Miss. Someone's here to pick you up," the nurse told me.
"Who?" I asked.
He looked at the chart he was holding.
"Hwang Choi-min," He replied.
{Hwang Choi-min??}
I thought to myself.
"Let them in," I replied.
The nurse motioned for him to come in.
Before exiting the room
"I didn't know your first name was Haejun," He said.
"Wow. No hello or anything?" I said trying to annoy him.
"I'm sorry. I got distracted by how lovely your name is. "Haejun Woo-Jin" I could hear that everyday and never get tired of it," He replied.
"Well then, if we're talking about names here, mister  "Hwang Choi-min" I like your name. But-"
"There's a but..!" He cut me off.
"If you'd let me finish!" I said slightly annoyed.
"Ok! Ok! I'll let you finish!" He said.
"Like I was saying, I like your name but, I'd rather call you Minnie or Minmin. Choose one and choose wisely. What nickname you pick is what I'll call you forever."
I finished.
He stared at me confused for a while before his face lit up.
"I like the name Minnie, but it sounds like I'm a Disney character. So I'll go with Minmin." He decided.
"So Minmin it is?" I asked just to make sure.
"Yes, Minmin it is." He replied.
"Now let's get you out of here asap." He said.
"And I'm supposed to live where for the time being??" I asked.
"With me and your cat." He said excitedly.
"And where in your house will I sleep??" I asked.
"You'll see when we get there." He replied.
"Ok. As long as I get to see Zenshi again." I said.
"Who's..Zenshi??" He asked.
"My cat." I replied.
"Oh.. this whole time I was calling him Shinee because of his coat." He said.
"Shinee is a cute name.. but I named him after the dog I had when I was younger. Sadly he died 2 years ago. Zenshi{cat} was born a year after his death. The way he claimed me as his parent. makes me think that he is Zenshi{dog} and was reincarnated as a cat."
I said.
"Oh.. I'm so sorry.." he said respectfully.
"No it's ok. As long as I know it's him. I'm happy. I'm happy that even though it was his last time seeing me as dog. He knew it wasn't his time to leave me forever. So I'll charish every moment I have with Zenshi{cat} as I did with zenshi{dog}." I said.
"Aww.. you're making me tear up" he said whipping tears from his eye. "Well let's go already!" He smiled.
"Ok." I said.
After I changed into a black baggy t-shirt with the words saying "be like glass. If they break you, you go and cut them." In white, and black baggy ripped jeans with star designs. After, I finished. We left the hospital and he lead me to his car. The car was a royal blue color. I think it was a Jeep. He opened the car door for me. I sat down and put my seatbelt on. He closed the door and walked to the driver side. He opened the door and sat down. He put his seatbelt on and started to drive.

Word count: 557
Finally published the third part!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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