Chapter Seven; Jason

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"Hello, my friend." A sinister voice spoke after the laughter ceased.

Jason stood stiff as he dared not to move to turn around and check for the monster. Blinded by his fear, he couldn't even move.

He knew the Mouse was still with him, as he still felt the cold tentacle wrapped around his left arm. He desperately hoped that the Mouse would be left out of whatever the Cat had planned. For both his, and the Mouse's sake.

Shit. Of course, it had to be his luck that the Cat showed up when he was least prepared for an encounter. He was clueless on how to get out of this one. What was worst of all, was that River, or anyone in general, weren't around to save him this time. All convincing had to be done on his side, which he knew would be extremely difficult. He had a very low chance of survival right now.

The Cat let out a low purr that sounded more like a growl to Jason's smaller ears. Grabbing the teenager from the back collar of his shirt, the monster pulled Jason off the ground, turning and angling him so that he could see his face. His grin only grew wider as his elastic tail swayed slowly with an unnerving head tilt.

"What'cha doing here, on your own and in the dark... Jason? I thought you decided it was best to be, 'safe in numbers?' Where are those numbers now?" he blinked at the same pace his tail was going, chuckling slightly from the dead silence from the other. "I hear everything in this mall. I know everything you discuss. You will never be safe."

The monster paused for a moment, allowing his sharp grin to spread to the sides of his face.

"You can't hurt me, Jason. None of you can." Cartoon Cat paused, pulling Jason close to his face to observe him better.

"Do you know why I kill?" The monster asked with another tilt of the head, not afraid to show his bloodied smile. "It gives me entertainment. I don't need sustenance. I am an immortal being. The thrill of the chase, the sheer joy when I know that I've won."

Jason remained silent, unable to control his trembling and the Cat held him too close for comfort. The monster noticed his fear almost immediately, the emotion seeming to feed his words.

"No human dies the same way with me. I give everyone a unique death. Yours, Jason, has been dragged out and delayed with bribery from your... 'acquaintance.'" The Cat continued despite Jason's hard tears that he was desperately trying to choke back. "He's not here to save you this time, is he? It's just... you and me."

Silence lingered for a moment as the Cat gave a glance towards the Mouse, who had let go of Jason the moment the Cat had picked him up. The two monsters engaged in a blank staring contest for a moment, until the Cat decided to laugh it off.

"Do you know how fragile the human body is, Jason? Everything is deadly enough with pressure." The Cat reached out, placing his entire gloved hand on Jason's whole face, causing it to be hard to breathe. "I could just crush your head within seconds. Quick and instant."

"Or I could..." he continued, lifting a third arm to apply a gentle pressure to his chest. "Pierce your heart. It would be a long and painful death. Curious what bleeding out feels like?"

The Cat cackled, unraveling the arms covering his face and chest after letting the silence linger for a second. He slowly set Jason down on the tile, watching as the boy crumbled to the ground. Jason stood on his hands and knees, breathing heavily until the Cat forced his attention forwards. The monster knelt down in front of the teenager, lifting his face to glare at him in his, black, cat, and void-like eyes.

"Of course, that would be no fun to your 'friends,' now would it?" the Cat continued, soon standing once more to leave the blonde on the ground. "You've been a very valuable pawn to me, Jason. Your time has not come yet."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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