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— prologue

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— prologue

nulla. WHEN HANZEL WAS put in an orphanage at the ripe age of five months old, no one expected him to become anything of importance. he was just like every other kid there, dropped off and abandoned in a random place that was found by a random person. he was nothing but a crying infant with boogers and slobber all over his tiny little face. a small defenseless thing not wanted by anyone whatsoever.

however, the more he grew up, the more convinced the staff became that he would end up on the wrong side of the coin one day. getting into fights left and right seemed like a hobby he enjoyed. never starting, yet always ending them (the staff wondered, how did he always win?). alright sure, he's always had a little bit of a mouth on him and he may or may not provoke literally anyone that talks to him. but that doesn't give them the right to hit him and it certainly does not mean that he started the fight. after all, only cowards throw the first punch.

anyway, years passed. no one ever adopted him. some tried and failed. they always brought him back because he was either "too much" or "reason unknown." the point was that as soon as he turned eighteen, they kicked him out. and sadly, the people at the orphanage were right. Hanzel tried, he really did. fifteen times in different fast food restaurants, four as a janitor in random schools, seven in some carwashes. he even tried babysitting for gods sake (you can imagine how that ended up). yet nothing ever seemed to work.

he blames Mirrikh.

oh, i'm sorry. i seemed to have forgotten to mention that Hanzel was possessed (that's what he says anyway) by some weird entity with dark powers. it's the reason why he was never able to keep a job or a family for that matter.

Mirrikh suddenly appeared on his fifth birthday (after a giant headache) as a surprise present. besides giving him the weirdest magic, symbols now ran from his arms, to his chest, and back. they looked like multiple tattoos connected together. Hanzel never really found out what they meant (or if they even meant anything in the first place), but he knew it had to do with whatever Mirrikh did to him.

back to the sob story. Hanzel got tied up with a couple of underground organizations who were stealing and selling powerful weapons. the workers there knew he was one of the greatest on the job, but they didn't know how. it didn't matter to them though, as long as he kept on doing what he did best, they did not care. and for a while, Hanzel was happy. he stole a couple of things, got paid (very well might i add), and overall, it was a pretty easy thing to do. until he realized just how fucked up whatever he was in was. workers dead, both by the hand of those in charge and by those they were stealing from. all he wanted to do was survive, yet if he ends up staying, there would be a huge chance he would be dead at end of the day.

so he ran.

from texas to new mexico. he ended up successfully finding a job as a cashier in a little sandwich shop which paid him minimum wage ($7.50 the hour). with barely enough money for food, he had nothing but his 1967 chevy impala (who he calls Baby) from when he was an ex thief, and a leather jacket. well, life was somewhat good. as good as it can get for someone living in his car (and having a dark entity living in his head) at least. he had a job, food, transportation, and a nice pair of shoes. he was also lucky that he was such a handsome fellow and that both women and men fell for his charms. maybe they loved him for his looks or their hearts fluttered because of the slight southern accent he has. some nice sex in exchange for a shower and sometimes a bed. he could totally do that for the rest of his life.

except, some goofy god of lightning or whatever decided to take a trip to new mexico and his equally goofy robot pet decided to destroy everything. Hanzel did not want to even be in a place where things like that happened, so he left (again).

he decided to travel a little far this time. from texas, to new mexico, to new york. ending up in new york city, the bronx. he ended up finding a job and a place to live. a nice owner of a boxing gym let him stay in a little room inside it, only if Hanzel cleaned up after everyone was gone. everything was going well for him. but yet of course, the owner just had to end up being the leader of an underground fighting ring. and even though he promised never to end up in things like that again, Hanzel couldn't help it. he loves fighting. and he loves money. so, he quickly rose up ranks and became the best fighter they had (the enhanced strength, stamina, and durability had nothing to do with it of course).

up until an alien attack happened in the same city that he lived in.

well whatever, the boxing gym was still intact (he could still fight underground) and he was done running. so, he stayed and wasn't bothered anymore.

until of course, right as he was about to go out and get food, his only friend knocked on his door with captain america and black widow right behind him.

oh dear.


jensen ackles as hanzel dean farrow

jensen ackles as hanzel dean farrow

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"with broken nails and fractured hands, he had to climb from the bottom of the mountain to the top."

july 9, 2023

i'm just in lovewith bucky

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i'm just in love
with bucky. also
long ass summary

— vic

SINKING TEETH, bucky barnes.Where stories live. Discover now