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Entry One of Logging 5:47pm

I've made this log to convince my father ghosts don't exist. Let me shed some light on the whole ordeal actually.

My dad works as a ghost hunter on a crew called "Taming the Ghost".

I don't believe in taming ghosts, or ghosts period for that matter. That's not what seems to scare me in the slightest. Late night horror films? No. Haunted Houses? No. Scooby Doo? Heck no. My dad on the other hand is convinced to the point of joining a Geek Squad. Tonight, the crew was headed out to a supposedly haunted manor of some old dead guy. Such a thrill. Write entry two later.


"Shane! We're ready!" his father calls from downstairs. Shane sighs and jumps off the bed as he tucks the journal into his back pocket.

As he goes downstairs he sees the rest of the group of so called hunters. A psychic, two legitimate hunters, one techno freak, and one cameraman. Shane looks at his father, one of the hunters, and complains, "Do I really have to go still?" Shane was told he had to come because his mother was on a business trip in Philly. He still didn't want to though.

"Yes, you still have to go." he replies, "I don't know why you think it's such a big deal." Shane keeps his mouth shut. He prefers to just stay out of the way when dad's in 'ghost hunter mode'. He just goes and sits in the car until they come out. He puts ear buds in and turns the music all the way up so he won't have to put up with the other hunters and lays back. Just in the nick of time too, they romp right into the car making it sway like a bridge. He knew Gretel, the psychic, should've lost weight. It felt like the car was going to crawl it's way there. 'This was going to be a long trip if this is what I have to put up with.' he thought.

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