A Date With Death

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"Dad! Dad! You gotta wake up come on...Come on!!" Shane shakes him violently, sobbing. His dad lay silent still. Shane suddenly catches sight of something shiny in his right hand, a camera. A camera that's still running. Shane shakily lifts the screen to eye level and hits the play button.
What plays on is nonsense, his dad just screams and suddenly contorts, then....gone. His father falls suddenly in the crumpled heap he's in now. What did this to him? Shane looks around the giant room. Out of nowhere the fireplace flickers to life revealing a ghoulish face in the fiery flames, it's voice sounds like metal dragged on concrete. 'StUpId MaN yOuR fAtHeR wAs.....'
Shane can't seem to take his eyes off the hideous face that speaks to him now. He needs answers.
"Why was he stupid?" Shane replies as confidently as he could, but judging by how much his hands shook it's probably not very much.
'No OnE lOoKs FoR mE. oR cAlLs FoR mE uNlEsS...UnLeSs YoU aRe WiLlInG tO pAy ThE pRiCe...AnD I WiLl ShOw YoU rEaL tRuTh, ThE rEaL mEaNiNg To Be A gHoSt!!!'
And with that the fire goes out, but the voice carries on.
'BuT yOu My FrIeNd, WoNt EsCaPe EiThEr.' His voice was a harsh whisper now. 'NeVeR..'
Then the door slams shut.

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