~chapter 2~

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Sapnap POV

Karl, the prince of the Ice Kindom, he had fluffy Brown hair and a Light blue Crown , he had a light blue uniform, he was a little shorter then me and had Dark brown eyes.

"Im sapnap, Prince of the fire kindom" i offed my hand and he shook it "Karl Jacobs, Prince of the Ice kindom"
"Pretty big gathering isenit" He said pulling his hand back "Yeah it really is, do you attened these things offten" i asked looking out at the crowd. "yeah my parents hold one every satuerday to try to fine me a Princess to marry" "i know what thats like, my dads said that i should at least try to get to know a princess tonight" i said looking out to the crowd and points at skeppy and bad who where daniceing together "Between you and me, i dont really like talking to new people, i find it hard to approuch new people" Karl looked at me with a blank face but he had a small smile. "Then why was it so easy for you to approuch me?" I was a little confued but George did say that karl would come up to you if you seemed approuchable. "well out of all the princes and princesses you where the only one stadning alone" i gave him a small chuckle "you got me there"

Me and Karl sat down in the corrner as We talked for a little while, we where on the topic of how much it sucks to be a prince when Dream & george Approuched us.
"wow sappy already replaced us, really?" Dream said being dramatic sitting down next to me
"oh I make one new friend and all of a sudded your replaced?" i said raising an eyebrow
"exactly U_U" dream enjoyed being an idiot but its fun to mess with him
"Ok then, Why did you replace me with george?"
"Hey thats not fair, your the one who introudued me to him!"
"Ok thats valide"
"anyways, Sapnap you made a new friend?" George asked sitting on the other side of me
where karl was oringly sitting- Wait wheres karl?!
"um Yeah He was sitting right there but i guess he left"
"what was his name?" Dream asked
"It was The prince of the ice kindom, Karl"
George looked at dream with a worried expresion
"Sapnap listen, Dont get to come with him" George rotated his body to
be faceing me
"What!, why!?"
"Because Its gonna hurt more when he frogets you!" Dream said with
a tear in his eye
"What are you taking about!"
"Sapnap Karl was Mine and Dreams best friend!"
"what do you mean Was, What happened?!"
"I dont know hes been doing somthing thats messing with
his memory, and he- He frogot Who we where, He frogot
all of us! Me, George, Quackity, Punz, Sam and Ponk and Many More!"
"Frogot you?"
"Let me explain our history, Before you and your
family moved closer to our kindoms"
I didnt respond i just waited for george to tell me

George sighed and begane the story
"Before you moved here, Karl was the life of every event,
he made everone smile and laugh, He was friends with all of the
Princes and Princess, He was Mine, Dreams and Quackitys
best friend, Untill we turned 8 everthing changed, we had a gathering
just like this one, but Karl was acting strange he wouldent leave
His parents side,  Me dream and quackity tryed to approuch him but,
he didnt recinise us, He was confuded he didnt know who we where
or who anyone else was, after that during events he stayed low and didnt make
any jokes or even talk to us he just conpletee icalated himself from us,
None of us knew why he did this, We still dont know and we might never know
and were afrid that if you get to close to him and he frogets you, it will be terrible"

I was spechless but before i could speak Quackity and his body gard
Slimeciclie also known as charile and Princess
tina. They sat aournd us makeing a circle
"We over heard your conversation...." Tina said putting
one arm on the other She looked as hi she was about to cry
"So...is it true?
did he froget everyone?" I said not wanting to
beileve he hurt a bunch of people hoping he didnt really
froget them or that it was a joke
quackity nodded his head
"Unforcantly it is, He must have dont somthing but
His memory of all of us just vanished"
"Maybe if you try agian he might talk to you
and maybe he might remeber you" I said with little hope
"Sapnap, weve tried, hundres of times"
Tina started to cry and george and quackity looked
like they where one the verge of tears
"Sap, evetime we try he grows more distant"
"but Maybe i could still try to befriend him?"
I said wanted to try
"Sapnap thats your choice but were just warning you"
George said patting my head
"but if anything happens please, dont shut us out" dream said
"i promise i wont i would never do that
to you guys!" i said
"just makeing sure" quackity said giving me a smile
I smiled back
"well im gonna go to the balconey"
I said getting up and walking to the balconey
i walked to the third floor to get to the balconey
I walked onto the balconey and put my arms onto the rail
i was looking over the frount of the ice kindome when i heard
somone clear there throut behind me, I thurned around
to see
Sorry for the short chapter its late and idk what im doing at this point, but i do hope you liked this chapter i kinda enjoyed wighting it, it took me about a week to wrigh this chapter bc i worked on it a little at a time but im listiong to pebble brain and thats whats keeping e going and giving me my motavie so i hope you enjoyed and with that this is Forest Green sighing off Have a good day/ night/ afternoon/ evening

Word count: 1041

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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