The wait

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait. And for the low quality of this.

Bakugo looked to the police officer, "My teacher's coming to pick me up.", she nodded, "alright then. that's good.", She took back her phone and sat down a couple feet away from them.

"What's gonna happen when they get here?", Mizuki asked. Bakugou shrugged, "Probably question us. Ask us about what happened and take us back.", Mizuki looked at him confused, "Aren't you supposed to know these things?", 

He only looked away, "Eh, didn't really listen to that part.", Mizuki shook her head, "Tsk tsk, I say to you.", she said. Bakugo smiled slightly, "Sounds like some kind of bible verse.", Mizuki only huffed and flicked his shoulder. 

They sat there awkwardly in silence for a minute, doing nothing but looking at each other.

Eri looked up at Bakugou, "Sir? Mr. Bakugou?", she asked quietly. Bakugou looked down at her, "You can just call me Kacchan.", Mizuki and Hayan smiled at her, "Only us, his closest, bestest friends call him that!", Mizuki exclaimed happily.

The smallest girl nodded slowly, "Okay... Kacchan? W-what happened to your neck?", she asked.

Hayan and Mizuki looked at each other a bit worried if telling her was a good idea or not. Bakugou spoke before they could, "Well, I'll be honest, I don't really know." The two oldest girls looked at him confused. "Oh, I see... does it hurt you much?", Eri asked innocently.

Bakugou scratched his head, "I mean, not right now really. I guess only if touch it, or if I turn my head too fast, you know?", he replied. Eri nodded, "Yeah.", she yawned and they looked at the sky, the moon had already come up.

"You can lean on me to sleep, if you want.", Bakugou offered. Eri nodded and leaned on him and was asleep in seconds. It was adorable.

A few seconds passed until Bakugo looked over to Mizuki and Hayan, "So uh, I've been wondering for a while now. What happened after I passed out back at the dorms?", Mizuki nodded, "Oh yeeaaah. We didn't tell you, did we?", she leaned away looking away a bit guilty.

"Okay, okay. So uh, I was downstairs, and um, ugh, dang, let me think... Oh! So, I was down stairs, and well, you know how I told you... oh wait, that was Midoriya. Nevermind.", She said trying to remember the events in order.

Kacchan looked at her confused, "Deku? What the fu** happened?!", he was demanding answers now. 

Mizuki waved her hands frantically, "Easy now! Remember your blood pressure! Stress could kill you!", she shouted. Kacchan made a face, "Whatever. Tell me what happened". Mizuki nodded. 

"Right, so. What do you remember before Toga arrived?", she asked. Kacchan put his hand on his chin, "Well, uh, I remember going to the coffee shop, and we barely made it to the dorms on time, but... the stupid idiots threatened to expel me.", he said recounting the events. 

"I remember I tried to leave, but somehow... the sludge monster came back? I dunno, that's what it felt like, but I doubt they were able to bring that guy to the dorms. I probably just... panicked at the moment. I don't remember the rest. I woke up, Toga was there with her minions and they knocked me out with this gas and bam, I was here.", he explained.

He looked at her, "I had a panick attack, didn't I?", he asked, though he already knew the answer.

Mizuki nodded, "You did, but it wasn't the sludge monster. They were trying to get you to stay in many ways; they yelled at you, tried to freeze you down. They even tried to tape your legs together! I'm actually impressed that you just walked away from it with such ease. Well, it was all fun and games, but then That girl with the Froggy quirk tried keeping you back with her tongue. and yeah... she wrapped it around your neck.", she said quietly.

Kacchan let the information soak in, after two or three seconds breathed in deeply, and looked back to her. He felt very angry, but tried to not let it show. "Ah... I see.", he growled, he wasn't doing that good of a job hiding his anger.

Mizuki wasn't sure if she wanted to continue telling him, Hayan continued it instead, "When she wrapped her tongue around you, you suddenly stopped, I'm guessing that's when your panic attack started. They hadn't realized it, and tapped your legs together and froze your arms together to keep you from leaving. a couple of your classmates still held you in place to keep you from leaving." She stared down at her lap as she told him the events.

"I forgot what exactly happened, but I'm pretty sure they were  trying to question you about what we did earlier in the day. I guess they finally realized what was happening to you, because then they started panicking too.  With the ice on your hands, you began scratching at your throat to get her tongue off, you were literally turning blue.", she swallowed.

Hayan sighed, "And for some reason, she tightened her tongue on you, though it might have been out of nerves. but the thing is, she didn't let go! That's when everyone started to panic too. You fell down and struggled to breath, one boy with a fire quirk melted off the ice from your hands, and another boy cut the tape off, but the girl didn't take her tongue off. Some one shook her and she finally let go. They suddenly began to worry about you as if they hadn't just been the ones forcing you to stay there. Anyways, you finally got up, despite their comments on seeing a nurse, and you left to your bedroom. Luckily they didn't follow you, but even as you got to your floor, you were still panicking and scraping your neck with your fingers.", she said.

"We tried calming you down, but you were still in the mindset that the sludge monster had you. As we tried calming you down, Midoriya came over. He thought we were the ones doing something to you, which I can't really blame him, we were holding your arms down so you couldn't scratch you neck. We probably looked like we were harming you.

a few seconds passed until he realized we weren't doing anything wrong. We told him about your panic attack, and he was the one to calm you down. You fell asleep, so we just laid you on your bed to continue sleeping. Midoriya put noise canceling earbuds on you and asked us to follow him to his room for some questions.", She stopped for a few seconds to let that sink in.

When it looked like he was ready she decided to wrap up her story, "We told him we were friends coming to see you. He knows our names, but he seemed like a good guy, not like the ones that were in the living room. Don't worry, we didn't tell him any deep information. Mizuki said she was going down stairs to scare your classmates as a small part of revenge, and I stayed chatting with Midoriya about random things. about five minutes later, we heard you scream, and literally everyone in the building, and even your teacher, went up to your room.

Toga was there with her minions, and a knife held to your throat. The boy with red hair tried going over and threatening her but she started pressing the knife down to your neck to cut you. No body could really get close without her harming you. 

Finally to make her escape she threw this gas that looked like it burned your classmates' skin someone used a teleportation quirk to leave. Mizuki was able to follow them by grabbing onto you. I guess the quirk transports you and anyone you touch", Hayan finished with a sigh.

Mizuki looked away sadly, "I tried to get you back, I really did. But I didn't know how exactly... I'm sorry.", Bakugou shook his head, "It's alright. It's in the passed. All's well that ends well, I guess.", he said.

"Toga had said she was going to return you in a month... I wonder why she would say that?", Hayan wondered.

Bakugou thought, "Well, she kept me in a torture room... She probably wanted to drive me insane enough to forget who I am. and then probably make me kill my friends and family. Bold of her to assume she could get it done within a month.", he said. Mizuki and Hayan shuddered at the thought.

"Well, it's a good thing you're a genius and a master at escape plans.", Mizuki said in a cheery voice. Her two siblings just smiled, and then they heard the familiar voices and commotion. Aizawa had arrived.

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