Chapter 1

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An abandoned stone tower, overgrown with wild roses, was one of the tall towers of the Empire's palace. At the very top, all alone, surrounded by cold walls and white flowers glowing from the moonlight, sat a miniature figure in a white robe. Snow-white long hair flowed down her back. Her small face had eyes blindfolded with a white, thick cloth, but it was as if she could see through it. The magical fairy, with whom she could be compared, shrouded in moonlight, sat at a window with a sparse, thin rusty grating, and stared out at the doll's little houses. She was diligently looking out for something. Her sensitive ears had long ago picked up the sound of the heels of soldiers' boots as they climbed the stone circular staircase of the tower, and her nose caught the smell of freshly baked bread. The rattle of the key in the keyhole and the heavy iron door creaked open. A gloomy, half-empty room, where the only source of light was a dozen candles around the perimeter of the room. Huge stacks of books are carelessly scattered by the untidy bed. A tall, well-build, slender girl in tight black pants with lots of pockets and straps and a simple black turtleneck sleeveless neckline entered the room. Her long dark red hair is gathered into a high ponytail, and a long sword hung from her hips. The imperial soldier put the wooden carrier on the table beside the girl.

- My lady, I brought you a little snack: freshly cut fruit, hot bread, and white yogurt. Your favorite.

Her lips spread into a wide, innocent smile. She opened the carrier with interest and pulled out warm bread in a craftor bag. The sweet wheat aroma filled her nostrils.

- Wow! - the girl said with childlike delight - Great job in the kitchen today! I feel it was fresh wheat. Saw it being harvested from the field early this morning. Is that it, Mattie?

The girl turned her head toward the soldier beside her. Even though her eyes were tightly blindfolded, the soldier could clearly feel her inquisitive gaze on him.

- That's right, my lady. This wheat was harvested early this morning. It was a wet season, so it tasted mild.

The girl inhaled the aroma of the bread once more, excitedly dangling her legs dangling from her chair. After enjoying the aroma, she placed the bread on the table and put her hands in a lock, putting them to her chest.

- I thank the Great Goddess Redrin for allowing me to enjoy this beautiful meal today. I thank the farmers for growing the wheat and fruit, I thank the shepherds for taking care of the cows that give us milk, I thank the cooks for preparing the food. May the sun shine forever over the Holy Empire in the name of the Great Goddess Redrin.

The young lady said a prayer of thanks with all her heart, and then began to enjoy the bread. The girl used her hands to tear off pieces of soft bread and put them in her cheek, savoring each of them. She enjoyed every crumb she swallowed, dangling her little legs under her long white dress. 

- Mattie... - the girl suddenly spoke seriously, lowering her head and dangling her feet, looking down at her hands.

- Yes, my lady?

- There was a fair today in the main shopping street. Artists came and entertained the citizens. It was fun.

- That's right, my lady. - It came as no surprise to the girl that, sitting in that tower, her lady could see what was happening a little over a thousand yards from the Imperial palace.

Her face showed some serious thoughts spinning in her little head and coming to a conclusion, she turned around sharply to the soldier.

- Matty, I've made up my mind! - A voice full of confidence.

- What have you decided, my lady?

The girl jumped out of her chair and took small steps barefoot to measure the circular room as she continued to nibble bread. 

- I've been thinking about this for a long time, Matty! I've thought about it a lot. A lot! - the girl exclaimed enthusiastically, jumping up on the spot - No matter how many books I read about the world around me, about magic, about mystical creatures, about adventures in dungeons and deep woods, it's nothing compared to a real experience. Don't you think, Mattie? - checking for reactions, the girl peered into the soldier's face, but seeing nothing, she pouted and rested her hands on her sides.

- What do you mean, my lady?

- Matty, you trust me, don't you? You've been with me as long as I can remember. You're like my own older sister.

- But you have an older sister. Princess Rosaline.

She clicked her tongue in displeasure. The moment Matty mentioned her family, her furious attitude evaporated.

- Sure... - she lowered her head and sat back in her chair - I'd consider them my family if they came to see me more than just on my birthday.

- My Lady, you know very well that people who are sensitive to magic can't come into contact with you.

- What good would that knowledge do me? - the girl did not understand the sense of the words and was outraged - Nevermind! - she brightened up abruptly, shifting the topic - I've decided Mattie! This day is come! Today I'm leaving this tower.

A wide smile flashed across her face. Enthusiastic about the idea, she fidgeted in her chair, looking forward to it. In truth, the soldier did not share the same feelings. The little girl's crazy words shocked Matty so much that she was speechless. Her eyes were rounded and about to fall out of their orbits. It wasn't like the calm, even naive, little princess she'd always been.

- [What to do? Tell the Emperor? Or dissuade my lady herself from this dangerous idea?] - Various thoughts mixed in Mattie's mind. For the first time in thirty-five years of her life, she was so confused and discouraged.

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