
58 3 0

Nobody likes rules trust me I don't either but they must exist.

1. No being mean
2. No cursing or any foul language
3. No whining or complaining about not getting the cat(s) you wanted, I promise there will be more
4. Only 3 cats a batch per person. Try not to be stingy and take so many that others have no chance
5. Fill out forms if needed
6. Friendly reminders are the only reminders I answer too.
7. Do not adopt my cats and then set them up for adoption without my permission
8. You have to use the password every time in order to adopt

Types of Adoptions

1. FCFS - First come first serve - just ask for them
2. BTA - Bio to adopt - write bio for cat(s) you want
3. NTA - Name to adopt - name the cat(s) first to name cat gets it
4. VTA - Vote to adopt - vote on chapters of my books to adopt cats - number of needed votes varies on each cat
5. OTA - offer me something in order to adopt cats, ex. Votes, follow me permanently, offer totag me and give me create for the cats you adopt


Name to adopt:

🌕 - All cats open and ready to be adopted
🌗 - Half open/pending half of cats are adopted
🌖 - some cats are adopted
🌑 - All cats are adopted/closed

If you read everything else and you are at this point I will give you the password.
Password: Cats naps and tuna snaps

Adoptables!!!! Warriors CatsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora