[1] Worry

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Chapter 1

~My best friend~
Kaveh x Alhaitham fanfic


On a warm summer evening, Kaveh was in the library, sketching some doodles for upcoming projects. He looked tired, he has been working all day long, non stop, for a whole week. He also didn't sleep for a few days, which was affecting his work quality. He could barely hold his pencil, and before he could even think about stopping and going home, he dropped unconscious on the table due to the excessive amount of work and the lack of sleep.

Hours had passed and Kaveh was late to get home, Alhaitham started getting a bit annoyed, but his annoyance quickly swapped to worry. He was at the moment reading one of those books he likes to read in his usual position, closing the book and putting it on top of the table, getting up with a sigh and leaving his house, starting to search for Kaveh.

Alhaitham approached someone he saw outside eventually, asking if they knew where Kaveh was. They replied with a yes and told him that Kaveh was still in the library. Alhaitham thanked the guy and went straight to the library.

As soon as he entered the library, he almost immediately saw Kaveh, face in his notebook and pencil still in hand. Alhaitham walked up to him and poked his arm. ― "Kaveh?" ― The gray haired man whispered, starting to shake the other guy, in an attempt to wake him up. Kaveh didn't show any sense of being awake, being completely exhausted and wouldn't be able to wake up. Alhaitham sighed, pinching his nose bridge slightly, carefully taking Kaveh off his seat and picking him up, as well as his stuff. The taller man left the library and went straight to his house.

Alhaitham looked over at Kaveh with a worried look behind his straight face. Kaveh would often do this, but this wasn't healthy for him. He brought Kaveh to his room and looked at his bed. It was full of papers of project sketches done by Kaveh. Alhaitham left the room with a sigh and went to his own room, laying Kaveh on his bed. ― "Seriously Kaveh, you need to stop making me worry so much.." ― He spoke within a sigh, walking out of his room and going to Kaveh's again.

Alhaitham started tidying up Kaveh's room, cleaning up the mess on his bed carefully, trying to not mess up the timeline of the sketches. After he was done with that, he went to Kaveh's wardrobe and took some comfy clothing to change Kaveh into, going back to his own room.

Alhaitham stared at Kaveh, thinking if he really should undress him. Kaveh would probably feel really uncomfortable after noticing Alhaitham changed him into new clothes, so he just put them on the side of his bed, tucking Kaveh carefully in the blanket and leaving the bedroom. He then went to take a quick cold shower, dressing up in comfy clothing and going to sleep on the couch.

In the morning, Alhaitham woke up with a huge back pain. The position he had slept in wasn't the best. He got up and stretched out, yawning as he walked over to his room to check up on Kaveh, which was still sleeping, snoring slightly. Alhaitham let out a soft chuckle and went to the kitchen, starting to prepare breakfast for both of them.

After some minutes, Kaveh woke up, feeling a strong headache and grunting. He got up and looked around, feeling confused. He walked out of the room, going to the kitchen, where he found Alhaitham cooking. ― "Why was I in your bed? Did you do anything weird to me when I was unconscious...?" ― Kaveh spoke up with a rather suspicious tone. ― "Good morning to you too. And no, I did not do anything to you. Does your body hurt anywhere? No, right? By the way, why were you unconscious in the library? Have you been privating yourself from sleep again? You know that is not healthy. You will stay home and not work this week, I'm demanding you." ― Alhaitham sighed, feeling rather annoyed by the fact Kaveh is being so harsh on himself. ― "But.. My project.." ― Kaveh was hopeless, he couldn't do anything if Alhaitham told him to do something, so he just nodded.

Alhaitham finished cooking and gave a plate to Kaveh, as well as a cup of coffee, having the same to himself. He sat down on the dining table and started eating his breakfast. Kaveh did as well.


End of Chapter 1 >> 757 words

~My best friend~
Kaveh x Alhaitham fanfic



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