chapter 2

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" means talking - "yo Ryu"

' means thinking - 'hahaha what will you do now spiderman'


Chapter 2 - attack


After a long week ryuen is finally able to become spiderman during the day and night.

It has been a week since his debut and many gang leader has put a hit list in his head.

During the past week ryuen, has stop 5 small gangs permanently, stop 1 bank robbery, the biggest achievement he made this week was that he manage to kill the leader of a big gang called the bloodwolves, stoping it's operation permanently.

As ryuen was swinging building to building in broad daylight for the first time he heard a loud explosion.

As ryuen immediately got alert, noticing that the explosion was way to big and loud for a normal crime, like a bank robbery.

As ryuen arrives at the explosion. He sees the sinister six attack civilians while doc ock goes to the nearby bank to steal it's cash.

As ryuen looks around he had a massive grin as he notice all the members were there.

Ryuen: "he hehehe HAHAHAHA it's already time eh!? Welp you know what they say no time is better than the present" ( he says as he started swinging towards the sinister six )

As ryuen approach the sinister six when he was close enough he sent a web towards vulture wing attaching successfully as he pull it hard mid air sending him flying towards vulture direction.

Vulture: "ack who fucking dar- spider man?" ( He says in a confuse voice as he sees ryuen flying towards his direction at fast speed )

Ryuen: "no, I'm better" ( he says as he gets close enough to vulture as he grabs onto vulture body and in fast motion swings himself over as he lands on vulture back )

Ryuen using vulture back as a standing platform, elongates his nails again as it drips of highly corosive Venum.

Ryuen: "have fun falling" ( he says as he slashes vulture metal wing with his nails dripping of highly corosive Venum, as the wing immediately got melted off making vulture and ryuen fall )

Using vulture body ryuen jump up high, as he shot a web at vulture before doing a spin in the air before letting go slamming vulture hard into the ground.

As the rest of the sinister six stop what they were doing to look at source of the loud sound, only to see vulture knock out with haft of his wing missing.

As the sinister six was about to approach vulture to try and wake him up to ask what happened they saw a person falling from the sky.

As ryuen was falling from the sky he sent two web shot to the ground as he pulls on it hard sending him crashing down at extreme speed.

As ryuen directly lands on top of vulture body at extreme speed sending dust everywhere,  sinister six and ryuen heard a loud cracking noise as vulture ribs was completely shattered, causing vulture to suffer from multiple internal bleeding.

After the dust settled ryuen face of 4 of the 6 villain In sinister six.

The first to make an attack was sandman trowing a powerful yet slow punch towards ryuen, as ryuen easily Dodge.

Ryuen shoot a web towards a nearby billboard, as to came up with a plan.

Ryuen: 'ok 1 down 5 to go,' ( he thought as he started inspecting the villains to as he tries to come up with a plan )

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