Chapter Four

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My favorite chapter till date

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My favorite chapter till date. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it. You're in for a ride in this one.
~10k+ words~


You wait leaning against your car after getting off the phone and having discussed the last minute reminders with your friend, Yoongi, who works as a real estate agent.

You've decided to take Jungkook to look at a place that he might like living in. You had been thinking about it ever since last night when he told you he was looking for a place that would fit his budget, and although you had the urge to instantly offer him to come live at your place, you had resisted doing so.

You have to go a little more carefully and discreetly about it because you have realised he won't accept your help, for whatever reason.

The place you were going to show him was your own, one you had bought with your first big paycheck and although it would cost anyone a fortune to afford if you were to actually put it up for rent, for Jungkook you were more than willing to just let him live in it for free.

Except that that can't happen. He would never accept that. So you had called your friend Yoongi and told him to show it to Jungkook as if it was just another place he was trying to sell while stating the lowest believable rent possible. Of course it was still going to raise some suspicions in Jungkook because he's anything but stupid, but you had asked your friend to use his sly tactics to convince Jungkook that the offer was indeed real. You had also asked Yoongi to make the documents with a fake name for the owner and although he was extremely against the idea, saying that it's 'illegal', he had still given in after some probing. You didn't care about what was legal or not in this matter anyway. It was jungkook, you would give the place to him entirely if he so much as asked for it.

Huh, talk about being whipped, Y/N. He really had managed to make you soft and weak.

You were pretty sure this would work if Yoongi followed through accordingly, and if Jungkook still suspects or tries to question you, you are just going to kiss him to shut him up.

Yeah. Very mature of you, but you don't care. He is gonna have to accept it whether he likes it or not.

Your mental dilemma is suddenly interuppted when you notice the very boy who has been on your mind like a continuous unconscious thought, slowly making his way towards you in long strides. He has changed into a white button down shirt that's been left unbuttoned almost halfway, paired with a black puffer jacket and tight black slacks. His gaze stays on his phone as he makes his way outside without acknowledging you or his surroundings, and your eyes land on the two girls exiting the club simultaneously with him, eyeing him from head to toe with hawk eyes while he remains completely oblivious.

The sight makes you grit your teeth in frustration.

Jungkook finally notices you as he stuffs his phone back in his pocket and walks over, his big doe eyes looking at you curiously.

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