what if I die Young

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What if I die young, before my time,
A fleeting soul, a rhythm untold,
In the tapestry of life, a poignant chime,
Leaving behind a story yet unfold.

Would the stars weep, their twinkling light,
As I traverse the heavens' vast array?
Would memories linger in minds so bright,
Or fade into the realms of yesterday?

What if my dreams, like whispers, fade,
Lost in the echoes of time's cruel sway?
Would the world mourn, in sorrow cascade,
For the melodies unsung along the way?

But let not fear shroud these wandering thoughts,
For life's tapestry weaves both joy and woe.
In every heartbeat, a tale is sought,
Embrace the moments, let your spirit grow.

Carpe diem, seize the fleeting day,
Let passions guide your every step in stride.
For even if I should pass away,
Let my essence linger, love's eternal tide.

So, what if I die young? Let it be known,
I'll paint my legacy on hearts I touch.
Through words and deeds, my spirit will be shown,
An everlasting flame, a fire that won't clutch.

Through words and deeds, my spirit will be shown,An everlasting flame, a fire that won't clutch

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