• Part Two •

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I walked out into the bay of the station I was in, and went through my normal routine.

Check the weather in my hometown?
Done on my tablet as I went to make my coffee.

Check on the plants?
Sipped on my coffee as I checked the water levels in the hydroponics, which was in the early stages of development, and then went to go make sure the others didn't need more water in their dirt.

I ate some of the peas, they're quite abundant this time around and I enjoy the snapping sound they make when I eat them. Otherwise, I munched on a couple handfuls of granola.

Contact Earth.
My least favorite one. Until recently, all I would get was silence. I've tried everything. Morse code, changing frequencies, even other languages with a translator program, but still nothing. The past couple weeks I've been getting static, but all I can make out are soft moans or groans, if there's even anything there. I'm being extremely hopeful, but I have no idea what could possibly have happened.

I don't know why the lights went out, I just knew that they did. Looking back, the most warning I got was probably when HQ told me they had to go no contact until it all blew over. Until what blew over, I don't know because that was when it all went quiet.

"Incoming transmission... Incoming..." Klyde started to beep and his head did a 360 as it started coming through.
Static. Static and... there it was again. The soft moans and groans. This lasted for about a minute then suddenly popped and everything went quiet again.

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