Chapter One: A Crow

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"Corvus ocolum corvi non eruit." - One crow does not peck out another's eye. That is the motto of the Lestrange family. Rodolphus remembers these words very well. His father used to say them to him before he died. As his father's successor, he decided to lead the Lestrange family according to these words.
"Hey, Rodolphus. What's up? What are you thinking about?" A girl with long curly black hair stood in front of him and looked down at him. He looked up at her and stood up. Rodolphus was at least a head taller than Bellatrix Black. But she had a mouth all the bigger for it. He straightened his shirt, which was a little out of shape from sitting. "Nothing. I was just thinking. Nothing important." Bellatrix waved her hand in front of him. She wore a silver ring adorned with a small green emerald. "You're wearing the engagement ring?" he asked. "I'm glad you noticed. Does it suit me?" she asked him. Rodolphus was never a man of many words and she knew it. After all, they had known each other since childhood. Still, he was easy to annoy and she took advantage of that every now and then to have a little fun. Rodolphus looked at her and gave only a fleeting "Yes.". "Oh come on Rod. We're engaged. You can compliment me once in a while. It doesn't hurt anyone." she said, lightly nudging his arm with her elbow. Rodolphus took a deep breath. "Sometimes you are so exhausting Bella, you know that?". She replied smiling "Yes I do. And that's what you like about me." He just rolled his eyes in annoyance. But it was true. He really did like her a lot. Bellatrix is his best friend and she had been for as long as he could remember. Marrying her next year seems surreal to him. His father and her father had already decided that they would marry when they were only five years old. And both Rodolphus and Bellatrix are aware of their duties as pure-blood wizards. Rodolphus thought he was lucky to be able to marry Bellatrix and not someone he didn't know. And marriage to one's best friend might not be so bad. As far as he knows, his parents had been friends since Hogwarts and were happy together. So why shouldn't it work between Bella and him.
Bella looked at her ring and said softly "It makes me a little nervous. I mean I want to make my parents proud and ..." Rodolphus took her hand and accommodated it. "You're going to be a crow of the Lestrange family and make your parents proud. Otherwise, I will personally speak to Cygnus and Druella Black and make them understand that they should be proud of their daughter." Bellatrix started to laugh. "You are such an idiot." He looked at her seriously but then smiled "I know and that's what you like about me."

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