Chapter 3: Rita Skeeter

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In the Great Hall, Rodolphus went to the Slyterhin table. There was still a seat available next to his little brother Rabastan and Lucius Malfoy. Rabastan was already beckoning him to join him. This was his first year at Hogwarts. "Brother, you missed everything." He said, amused. Lucius brushed a blond strand from his face. "I wouldn't have expected that from the Black family." He added with his usual arrogant tone and pushed the new Hogwarts newsletter to Rodolphus.

THE BLACK FAMILY - MAYBE NOT SO NOBLE AFTER ALL?..: Andromeda Black and Ted Tonks a muggle-born Hufflepuff were seen together in Hogsmead....

Rodolphus crumpled the newsletter angrily in his hand. "You should have seen it. Bellatrix really went after Andromeda." Rabastan continued to tell of the events, very amused. "No wonder. I don't know how I would react if something like that happened in my family. I just wonder who published this article. There's no name under it. " Lucius added. "I have a hunch." Said Rodolphus. He knew exactly who would spread such gossip. "Where is Bella now?" asked Rodolphus. Rabastan and Lucius shrugged their shoulders. "She stormed out of here after the altercation with her sister." Explained Lucius. Rodolphus got up from his seat to look for her. He knew exactly how important her sisters were to her and this news must not be easy for Bellatrix to digest.

On his search for Bellatrix, he also passed the library. This is not really a place where Bellatrix would retreat, but he took a look anyway. Instead of Bellatrix he saw Rita Skeeter sitting at a table. She seemed to be working on a new article. He thought at first about just walking on but decided to talk to her. Rita didn't seem to notice him as he stood in front of her. "Is this how you treat all your friends? Or what is it between you and Bellatrix?" he said, sitting down in the chair across from her. Rita put her quill aside and eyed Rodolphus. "Rodolphus Lestrange. To what do I owe the honor of your seeking conversation with me?" Rodolphus clearly didn't like her arrogant tone . "What was that about the article?" he asked cynically but still calmly. "A good story should be published. But why do you care all of a sudden?" she asked. He stood back up propped his hands on the table between them and leaned over to her a bit. A spark of anger flashed in his eyes. But Rita is not intimidated by it. At least, it seems that way. "I warn you. If you care about Bellatrix in any way..." She interrupted him. "Ah so that's what this is about." She stood up now, too, and propped her hands on the table between them, leaning forward a bit toward him as well. She looked deep into his eyes without fear. They both looked at her with disdain for a moment. The tension between them were impossible to miss.

Their reaction unsettled Rodolphus a little. He's not used to people not shying away from him. Except Bellatrix.

"Hold back on that." He hissed and took the quill that lay between them on the table and broke it in his hand. "You idiot. That was a magic quill!"

Rodolphus looked at her again with a superior look and left her behind.

"You'll regret this Lestrange!" Rita called after him. Rodolphus was not impressed by this and simply walked on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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