#6: Nothing More

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M = Moondrop

S = Sundrop

L = Lunar

E = Eclipse

MO = Monty

: = 3rd Person


MO: I haven't seen Sun in a while today, Wonder where he is at.

M: He hasn't been coming out in a while. Probably letting his intrusive thoughts take over take again.

:Moon said, rolling his eyes with a careless tone

MO: You know you should really be worrying about Eclipse, God knows what he's up to.

M: I've just kind of accepted it, Let him take over. It doesn't matter anymore.

MO: damn. *Disappears*

M: How the actual fuc- nevermind.

:Moon walked back to the daycare.

M: SUN!!!!!

S: Y-yeah?!

M: Where are you?

S: At the balcony.

:Moon swung from the wires right on to the balcony

S: Hi!

M: Hey..?

:Moon knew something was wrong, But it had become a routine now, So he didn't care, just gave of a "Idontfu_kingcare" look and walked off. Sun just stood there, knowing if he said anything it would cause a fight.

:Later that day

S: Hey Moon!

M: What?

S: Are you mad at me? :Sun questioned, twitching his rays.

M: Yeah. Why?

S: Well.. Then it might not be a good time to tell you. :Sun sighed, and walked out of the tunnel, 5leaving moon curious..

:Sun walked out, having a forced smile on his face, knowing that he was going insane. Later that night, when Sun was assured Moon was asleep, he went on to his bed, and started screaming into his pillow (poor pillow >.<), Little that little roac- I mean animatronic knew, Moon never slept. (XD LMFAO MID), Moon was all the way over at him room, he had heard Sun's scream, His metallic heart couldn't help tear up. He knew what Sun was going through, But there was nothing he could do, He thought to himself,

M POV: "what more can I do, He's just his usual self, I've done everything for him, Nothing just seems to work.."

:Heartbroken, Moon just shuts himself off, knowing that's the only way to avoid it. The next morning Sun woke up, his wrist bells jingiling and waking Moon up aswell, He could hear his brother saying Hello to the kids and opening the doors, That happy cheerful voice of his brother was what he loved about him the most. He got of his bed, sat on the edge and wondered to himself,

M POV: "Maybe I should take him out somewhere, That'll surely cheer him up since its been a long time since we went outside the daycare.."

:Time skip to when the daycare was closed, Sun was heading back to his room as usual, when he felt something grab his wrist.

M: Sun wait!

S: hm?

M: Let's go outside! you haven't been out in a while.

S: sure...

:Moon dragged Sun by him arm.

S: Wait! MOON!

:Moon took him out,(to places I'm to lazy to write about) and they were having a great time, Moon was happy to see his Brother Happy. Ones they got back home....

S: It feels nice to go outside, But.. I thought you were mad at me.

:Moon was taken back by this, after a moment of thought.

M: You never asked why I was mad at you in the first place.

S: Why?

M: Because I was worried about you. You always seemed so sad and stressed and no matter how much I tried to help you it didn't work. I just thought if I stayed away from you, I wouldn't have to worry about you.

:Sun was left speechless.

S: . . . I-

:Moon pulled Sun into a hug, and Sun hugged him back willingly.

S: Moon, I never needed anything, I'll try to control my thoughts, I only needed you, Nothing more.

:Sun felt a thousand rocks being lifted away from his body saying those words, He felt like the happiest animatronic alive when he was with Moon. Deez Nu- I mean De end

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