a new student

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Tokio Hotel will have anonymous band members in this story.
No 'sex' scenes (sorry addicts)
All made up.
And no mafia bosses.

This story is in first person POV.

2007, Los Angeles

School, another boring day at school. Even though it's a luxurious, private one, the students here act like bitches. Stuck up ones, they're all bratty and stupid. What's worse is that my friend isn't in the same class as I am, so I'm always sitting alone. As I looked around to see everyone in their groups, I put on my earbuds and took out my iPhone, they just released a phone, and it was confusing to use.
"Tokio Hotel," I thought. I turned on to their Schrei album. Never thought i'd like German music, but here I am.

I am totally obsessed over that band, and I'm looking forward to see who they are, since their faces were anonymous. My parents don't want me to listen to them, they don't even want me listening to music in general. I had to beg my friend, Nicole to let me borrow her earbuds.
"Fine y/n," Nicole muttered as she grabbed them out of her backpack.
I smiled with relief, not a single piece of earwax in them. Perfect.
As I slowly start to doze off again, my head laid on the table, everyone's loud gasps are heard.

"Everyone, there is a new student." The teacher exclaimed. For the first time, the class was silent. Usually when a new student enters, nobody even pays attention or care. "What? Why is everyone quiet?" I thought. I peeked up to see a tall boy with baggy clothing and dreadlocks. Focusing my vision, I noticed his glamorous eyes and a tall figure with some bulk— I couldn't help but to stare at him for a minute.

Everyone couldn't take their eyes off of him, like a rough school fight. He was that interesting. The teacher stood there in shock. "Wow, ahem- please introduce yourself." The teacher was shocked like I was, he never calmed down the class to an extent like this before. The boy looked up to everyone and smiled, his soft smile making all the girls flustered. "Hello, my name is Tom.. Tom Kaulitz." Everyone was in awe, he was so odd.. so different. His german accent, his height, everything. His style was definitely interesting also, the baggy clothing that stood out in general, and that hat of his. The boys gave him a hard stare, were they jealous? Girls however, were staring as in, "Wow he's so hot.." because of his clear skin. Barely any guys in this school have clearer skin than that boy does, which is a shocker. I looked at him, then laid my head back on the table. "Gosh, he really isn't all that." I thought. "Well, Tom. You sure are one pretty boy. How about you sit next to y/n, she's very lonely." I jolted my head up, "Wait.. what?" Everyone was oohing at me, oh dear.

Tom walked to the empty desk next to mine and dropped his belongings. I looked at him, praying he wouldn't cause me any trouble. He sat down and glanced at me, wearing all black with a cap and a lip piercing.. what a "bad boy."

"You better not be a bitch

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"You better not be a bitch." I whispered to myself. Oh crap, I didn't mean to let out my thoughts. He let out a chuckle, grinning. He seems cocky, but I'm pretty sure he isn't all that bad. He has a kind-hearted smile after all.. but I felt as if everyone's eyes staring at us.

And so, class ended.. felt like 3 minutes. Maybe I was too distracted by the music blasting in my ears. I looked at Tom, then his notebook. He was actually writing notes. Nobody in my class really paid attention except for me.. and him supposedly.
I am considered the mature, calm and collected, humble kid anyways, and I can't ruin my reputation. It's not like I please people, I just cannot get into rumors or drama. Even when boys or even girls ask me to hang, I have to politely decline for my parents' sake. It sucks really. Having Tom sit next to me.. well... is that a good or bad thing?

As I started to pack up, he glanced at my phone, then at me. "What are you listening to?" He asked. I showed him the song and the album, "Tokio Hotel." He widened his eyes, "Wow." I put my phone down, what a weird reaction. Did he think I was listening to meditating music or something? He then whispered the words, "All of em are quite young, just to let you know." I jumped back, his words making me shiver. "And how do you know?" I sputtered, trying to shove a messed up composition notebook in my bag. What's worse is, everyone had left to go to break, even the teacher. We were the only ones in the classroom. But, can I even believe him? It's not like I'm that determined to know.
Instead of an answer, he let out another cocky grin. "Just listen to the singer's voice."
The hell is that supposed to mean?

Authors note: thanx 4 reading, please give out your thoughts.. if anyone is actually reading this. give out your opinions and ideas 2! 🫶

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