Some good old-fashioned teamwork (to steal a plane)

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It had been such a good idea Rooster and Hangman had concocted, except for the fact that Maverick wasn't present at the briefing the next morning (and neither was Iceman, but that was to be expected). It was Cyclone who stepped before the group of confused pilots instead.

"Due to the recent circumstances taking out both of your teachers, I will take over the program," he said and it was only their strict navy training that prevented the pilots from voicing their shock. At least until Hangman stood and spoke up:

"Excuse me, sir, but Maverick wasn't injured yesterday and therefore is fitted to remain training us." Cyclone looked at him with clear disdain and Rooster balled his fists. Asshole.

"Lieutenant Seresin, if I say that both of your teachers are out of the cockpit, they are out of the cockpit, understood?" Cyclone sneered and Hangman muttered a grumpy "yes, sir" before sitting down again. It didn't surprise Rooster one bit that Cyclone had kicked Maverick's ass out of 'his' planes, but he was still surprised at the lack of balls the admiral had for only doing so when Iceman was not there to back his wingman.

Cyclone told them that the mission would be under other parameters and this time there were some shocked whisperings. Yes, the new parameters would make the mission flyable on paper, but Maverick had made them so strict in the first place for a reason, hadn't he? They were not deserters, however, so after the briefing they all (with begrudged faces, but still) stepped into their planes.

It was a weird relief when suddenly the mission was a piece of cake, because it almost felt too easy. Rooster voiced his concern with Halo after the hop, but all she did was shrug desperately.

"He is our senior officer, Rooster, what do you want us to do, riot?" she laughed, but without real humor. Her words did plant a seed within Rooster's mind though and that's why he had gathered all of the aviators (apart from Phoenix and Bob, obviously) at the Hard Deck after a few days of training under Cyclone's command.

"People," Rooster started as he laid his hands on the table. He was standing because he was feeling restless, but everyone else had taken a seat and were watching him curiously.

"We all know these new parameters are shit," he stated and a chuckle went round the table.

"And that it will one hundred percent be a suicide mission if we fly that way when it really counts." The chuckle stopped abruptly.

"I think Mav's parameters where the correct ones and that we just need a few extra days training those for us to nail them enough to get there, bomb the plant and return home. Do you agree?" he asked and a combined chorus of different variations of yes (Hangman actually saluted and barked a "yes, sir", which made Rooster chuckle and roll his eyes) filled the empty room (Rooster had asked Penny if they could use the Hard Deck in the morning for this and somehow, she had agreed).

"So, all we have to do is either a: train with Mav's parameters without Cyclone's approval or b: show Cyclone Mav's parameters are possible and therefore the best to persuade him to choose them instead of his own."

"Option a is impossible, Cyclone would threaten to discharge us immediately and he would have all the rights to do it since we would be negating orders," Payback piped in immediately.

"Not if we do it all together. He can't discharge us all because who has to fly the mission for him then?" Rooster quickly shot back.

"He would take a different batch of lesser pilots who are even less trained for this than us and sent them," Halo said and that made Rooster swallow his earlier confidence immediately.

"You're right, Halo. I haven't thought about that."

"So, option b, then." Hangman said as he rubbed his hands, clearly loving this.

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