Chapter 1, The Journey. Part 1 of 2.

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It's a warm day. The kind of day a smart man would spend inside. I can't afford that kind of luxury so I go out to work in my field, you see I'm a serf. I belong to the lowest of the low on the social ladder. I've never seen a gold coin I'm my life and I've only seen a silver once. Ever since the war with the elves, most of us are poor while the ones at the top, the lords, the king, only get richer. I don't worry about it too much, I mean how could I afford to worry about it. My whole life is wake up, eat, work in the fields, sleep, repeat. I can't help but think about one thing though as I do my work, "I don't want to be this all my life, I want adventure." I've thought this so much it might as well be branded on my head. I legally can't leave this land and I don't have money to travel. I've only got six coppers to my name. The day goes by and I entertain these thoughts more and more, would it really be that impossible to leave? As I go back home to feast on bread and roasted rat, the rat I found in the barn and I'm not one to waste food, I find my resolve to leave. I grab my blanket and put all of my possessions, minus my clothes of course, in it. One pot, a loaf of bread, an axe, a small knife, a wood spoon, and six coppers. I find a long stick and tie my bundle on the stick. I don't have a lantern because I don't need one. I start to walk toward the main town. I see the guards' armor glint as I get close. The guards stop me, I'll have ti talk my way out of this one. To be continued......

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