Chapter 2, A New Beginning, Part 2 of 3

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(Finally, the gay chapter that I've been screaming into the void about!)

While I work, I happen to indulge in some liquid courage, which is fortunate because this cutie of a man has been doing the same. After a few more drinks, I might be so inclined to tell him how much his butt is a work of art. Maybe we'd hit it off. I mean, the women in the bar seem just as drawn to him as I am, but he doesn't reciprocate the attention.

I decided to take a break, and I emptied a pint of social lubricant and walked on over. I imagine what I'm going to say, maybe something flirty and smooth like me. I walk on over, and the air rapidly solidifies in front of me, meaning I just tripped over nothing. I fall on something but not the floor.

I blush madly when I  realize the person who caught my fall was the guy I was trying to flirt with. I just manage to utter a thank you as he helps me to my feet. I'll count that as a win. Once on my feet I smile at him, "Is it hot in here or is it just you?" I say. This earns me a chuckle.

"Wouldn't you like to find out?" He asks.

I blush madly. When did hot men become so smooth?! I take a moment to gain my composure before speaking again. "Meet me behind the building after my shift." I say, still blushing a lot.

The rest of this guarding job is full of just hours and hours of me standing awkwardly by the door, waiting for something to happen. This is much like spending my free time watching the grass grow. Time slows to a crawl. After an excruciatingly long time, the bar finally closes, and I get paid three gold for my trouble. This is the most gold I've ever seen in one place! I'm rich! I stare at the owner and try to hide my astonishment, "Thank you very much." I'm giddy with excitement. I have the most gold I've ever seen before, and there's a hot guy waiting for me outside. This is shaping up to be an amazing adventure!

I walk out of the bar with a smile on my face, excited to see an attractive potential friend. Well, let's not kid ourselves, maybe potentially more than that.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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