chapter four

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"that was really nice" I smile at bill.

"yes it was meine liebe." Bill replies, as he smiles back.
(translate: my love)

I look up at him confused.

"what does that mean?" I say.

"yes it was my love." he smirks.

my love?

I look down in embarrassment for not knowing.

"there's nothing to be ashamed of." bill says while softly grabbing my chin.

he makes me look at him and we make eye contact.

he leans in and then I do.

then we kiss.

we pull back and look into each others eyes.

"oh my go-" I get cut off by my phone ringing.

"im so sorry let take this." I say quickly.

I grab my phone and look at who's calling me.


I pick it up.

"hello?" I say.

"Watcha doin?" She ask.

"nothing at the moment." I say.

"Ok bye love you." She says while hanging up.

what the fuck?

"Sorry that was my bestfriend." I say.

"it's ok." He replies.

"oh you wanna stay for a bit?" I say asking him.

"sure." He says.

we start walking up to my door and open it.

we walk inside and I set my purse on the kitchen counter.

"hey I know we just ate but wanna order dessert?" I spoke breaking the silence.

"sure I would love that." Bill replies.

"ok what are you up for?" I say looking at him.

he look at me and starts thinking.

"maybe like a McFlurry from McDonald's?" he says happily.

"sure I'm down for it!" I reply.

I order it and now waiting.

my phone starts ringing again.

omg who's calling now?!

I walk over to the phone on the wall and pick it up.

"hello?" I say.


"julie what the hell are you doing." I says snapping at her.

"omg chill girly pop. Anyways are you home?"

"no why." I lie to her.

"because I see a random ass car in your driveway." she says.

"your at my house!" I scream.

"yes I was just walking by calm the fuck down."

"I'm not home." I say while rolling my eyes.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see bill.

"whose is it?" He mouths.

"my bestfriend Julie" I whisper.

"oh." He says.

𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐃𝐆𝐄/ BILL KAULITZ Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora