The Plan

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     The wind whistled through the trees as Draco walked across the golden meadow. He breathed in the sweet scent of spring. As the blinding rays of the sun grew stronger, he felt its warmth singe his pale skin. In the midst of everything was a singular large oak tree. Its long branches hung over a small stream. Underneath it, sitting in the shade, was the girl he'd been looking for. Her golden locks billowed in the wind, dazzling in the sunlight. Her perfect posture projected pride and a confidence he'd never seen before. As her piercing brown eyes looked up from the book she was reading, her gaze met his.

     Draco flashed a smile at her. She shied away at first, but then gave him a beautiful smile that shined brighter than the sun itself. No living thing on earth could match her astounding beauty.

     Suddenly, he felt the wind turn cold and the color of the leaves began to change. The meadow slowly dried up and looming clouds began to form, covering the sun. The girl's body started to change form. Her skin turned into scales and her legs and feet morphed together. Her eyes turned into a deep shade of green. Before he knew it, Draco stood face to face with a serpent. It hissed at him and opened its mouth, revealing its venomous fangs. He reached for his wand, but it was nowhere to be found. He closed his eyes as the snake came down on him, devouring his body as his world turned dark.

A loud snap jolted him awake. He sat up in his bed, eyes wide with terror. Sporadic flashes of light illuminated his room. He peered outside, and noticed that the storm from this morning hadn't deviated. It had only grown worse. He could barely see out his window as the rain pounded mercilessly against it, making the lightning flashes appear blurry.

     Draco sighed as he got out of bed. Just another nightmare, he assured himself. He pulled on a shirt, and headed downstairs to fetch a drink. He casted a lumos charm, illuminating the halls. The manor was pitch black at night, and unbeknownst to his parents, Draco was deathly afraid of the dark. Especially after serving detention in the Forbidden Forrest during first year. It was his first run-in with the Dark Lord. Draco still feels a tinge of embarrassment every time he encounters him. Running away and screaming at the top of his lungs in front of his future boss wasn't the type of altercation he expected. And just like everything else, he blamed it on his nemesis.

     Stupid Potter, he thought, Always making me look like a fool.

     As he approached the kitchen, he noticed a light creeping through the cracks of the door. Hushed voices sounded from inside. Draco stopped in his tracks and listened.

     "So what did they say?" a voice asked. It was his mother.

     "They speak of a new plan our lord devised himself. One that, if executed properly, would be beneficial to us," he heard his father answer.

     "But it's risky," another voice chimed in, "If word gets out to the old fool, our lord will have our heads."

     "Since when were you afraid of taking a little risk?" another deeper voice asked, "Besides, if we go according to plan, Dumbledore won't notice a thing until it's too late. He'll have to show himself then."

     "Nox," Draco whispered, making his light fade away.

     He inched closer to the door, and nudged it open a bit. Enough to peek in and see who was in his kitchen. He saw his mother first. She was cradling a cup of tea and had that worried expression on her face as usual. Next to her was his father. He gripped his cup in his hands and wore a stern expression. It was the look he always gave Draco whenever he was in his sight. A mix of seriousness and disappointment. It was the only look he knew his father had.

     Across from them were two other death eaters, both of whom Draco knew considerably well. The crazed one that sat across from his mother, Bellatrix Lestrange, gazed wide eyed at a nearby antique sitting on the kitchen counter. She reached over and started fiddling with it, much to his parents' annoyance. Lucius glowered as he watched her, for it was a family heirloom she held so carelessly in her hands. She always had a habit of messing with things that weren't hers. It's the reason they didn't invite her over too often. That and the fact that she's a complete psychopath.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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