An Angel in Disguise

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Y/N walked to the two boys, ready for a brief exchange of pleasantries. "Hello, Tom and Wilbur Soot, is a pleasure to see you both here," she smiled as she spoke, "how was the trip from the country all the way to the capital?" Both boys looked at her, and Tom responded quickly before Wilbur, "Oh your highness, it's been so long, it's been what 3 years?" Tom smirked at his older brother, and Wilbur glared back. "Yes, i think it has been just about 3 years sense we've last met, but unfortunately I was unable to have the pleasure to meet you, Wilbur Soot." Y/N said, glancing to Wilbur.

The brown eyed boy stared at her blankly for a moment, and then quickly responded, "Oh yes, I do not believe we've met before. Well, it is lovely to meet you your highness. You know, i've heard stories from the capital of your beauty, but the rumors do not do you justice your highness." Y/N blushed and thanked him, soon after making an excuse to be excused from the conversation and retreat back to the drinks table.

What she didn't know, was that after she left Tom began to tease his elder brother ruthlessly. "Really, rumors of her beauty? You were a mess!" Wilbur grumbled a response, still watching you as if everything you did was magic. He was enchanted by your beauty and grace, and his brother would not stop making fun of him for it. Truth be told, Wilbur has seen you before, many times from afar had he seen you while he was in business to the capital with his father, and three years ago when he heard that Tom had met with the wonderful princess and he had missed it to check on his fathers diamond mines with him, he was crushed.

Wilbur Soot has had a hopeless, helpless crush on the young princess, and he had since he first laid eyes on her thirteen years ago when his family still lived in the capital. And it seemed to him as though he had fumbled and and ruined his first real interaction with her in years.

Oh yeah, one more thing, he had lied when he said they had never met, they had met once before, years and years ago. The princess was six years of age at that time, and was climbing trees in the royal garden, and an eight year old Wilbur was following a butterfly past the flowers and bushes, when he heard a scream. He ran towards the sound to see a girl about to fall from a tree, and he got there right in time to catch her before hitting the ground. She had looked up at him with big, teary
E/C  eyes, and his heart felt like it had melted.

From that day forward Wilbur Soot was absolutely in love with Y/N, and he could do nothing to change that fact, no matter how hard he tried. Every time he began to push down his feelings, he would see her again, and she would be doing something that made him fall in love all over again. Once, eight years after they had first met, he was in town while his father was at the palace to talk with the king, and he spotted her, she had snuck out to play with the local children and buy them all sweets. Another time he had visited the castle and saw her helping a kitten down from a tree and giving it food and water. He could not fathom how someone could be so pure hearted and kind to others. She was an angel in disguise, sent from the heavens above.

A/N: This might be so bad, but that's ok bc I'm exhausted writing this and I'll re-read it soon to check

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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