IDK What to call this

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Name: Silas Vicktor De La Cruz

Nickname: Silas

Age: 16 years old but months younger than Tom

Likes and Loves: Music, Reading books, Dark Arts, Tom Riddle

Dislikes: Harry Potter and his friends, Noisy and annoying people

Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Appearance: Silas has black hair with green eyes and He has a fair skin

Name: Tom Riddle

Nickname: Tom

Age: 16

Likes and Loves: Reading books, Dark Arts, Anything sinister, Silas

Dislikes: Harry Potter and his friends, Noisy and annoying people

Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Appearance: Tom Riddle was handsome and tall with pale skin, jet black hair, and dark brown eyes

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