The Meeting

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Silas POV:

I was now sitting on the long Slytherin table as Professor Dumbledore started speaking his speech, I was resting my cheek on my hand gently, As soon as Professor Dumbledore finished his speech the feast finally began. 

I was eating my food slowly and gently, Tom was beside me, He was staring at me as I blushed and looked away and continued to eat my food.

Time Skip: I was now done eating my food and drank some water, I stood up and left, I didn't notice that Tom was following me

I went to the Library and looked around the books, I felt a sudden touch on my waist and turned to look at who it was, It was him

Tom: "Hello." He said staring at me with his dark brown eyes sparkling as he caressed my waist gently

Silas: "H-Hi, Tom" I said softly and blushed from his sudden touch

Tom: Chuckles "I like how you blush my boy." He said as he gently caressed my cheek with his other hand, and I blushed slightly. His hands were soft and gentle

Tom: "Hmmm... I see you're here in the Library again? Well, This Library is quite a nice place to spend the time after all"

A/N: I'll continue this soon, I'm quite busy so yeah :') I'll update soon! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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