Bahari Rafferty

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♚ G E O M E T R I C S ♚


↬ Full name ↫

↬ Bahari Rafferty

↬ Nickname ↫

↬ Sailor of the Deep

↬Age ↫

↬ 16

↬ Birthday ↫

↬ February 26th

↬ Birthplace ↫

↬ Unknown, but she lived on a planet in Aoi known as Salacia.

↬ Zodiac ↫

↬ Pisces

↬ Height ↫

↬ 5' 6"

↬ Gender ↫

↬ Female

↬ Orientation ↫

↬ Straight

↬ Species ↫

↬ Human

↬ Social Class ↫

↬ Very High Class, basically seen as a goddess among Aoi cosmos.

↬ Wealth ↫

↬ She has followers that are willing to give her everything, but really has no sort of wealth despite being worth so much.

❝You need me for a war that will end in lives being lost just for you to win?❞


♚ R A T I N G S ♚


↬ Psychological strength ↫


↬ Physical strength ↫


↬ Close quarter combat ↫


↬ Distanced combat ↫


↬ Leadership ↫


↬ Wisdom ↫


↬ Intelligence ↫


↬ Confidence ↫


↬ Endurance ↫


❝I am no idiot, you must want something out of me.❞


♚ P E R S O N A L I T Y ♚


↬ Normal mood ↫

↬ Bahari often keeps to herself, even with her followers. No one seems to be able to tell who she is thinking, apart from one person. She is often either emotionless or faking her emotions. She has a motherly voice and tendencies, aiding those that need her despite her own desires. She is rather selfless and pushes away her feelings as much as possible. She is very often lost in the terms of the current world. She doesn't know much about it as she has never had access to it and the little access she did have, she does not remember.

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