first glance

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It's dinner time my first time meeting them as we sat down I couldn't help but notice how hot my new dad was I just wanted to suck his right ball suck then his left I felt like I was Cumming on my seat then I looked to my left and a hotter younger version was sitting right  next to me now I really was cumming I just wanted to fuck both of them right them and there. I couldn't believe my mum fucked step daddy she was so fucking lucky. Since I can't have him I will have his son it's not bad were not blood related so we will be fine I just had to know if he wanted to do it back I was pretty hot not gonna lie so I'm sure he would. Conversations started happening started to find out more about him but that only made me want to fuck him harder I couldn't even focus on the conversations all I could do was picture his full-fat dick and listen to what I think his moans would sound like he had a soft but deep voice as hot as ever. I had to excuse my self to the bathroom I couldn't do it anymore I was cumming at just the sight of him I sat on the toilet rolled by panties down My legs and got by two longest fingers stuck them up pussy going fast then slow pushing then stopping teasing my self I had to try so hard to keep my moan in I kept going who even cares I let out I Long deep moan because of how much pleasure I was giving myself I'm pretty sure the table heard cause mum asked if I was okay and I had to speak back even though I couldn't even talk nikau exused himself and said he was going to the second toilet 30 seconds later nikau was opening the door and saw me fingering myself as hard as possible he said don't do that do much leave some for me he asked if I was picturing him and moaning his name I then said I haven't wanted to fuck someone as much as I want to fuck you right here right now but that wasn't smart so I said to meet me in my bed at 8.30 on the dot and be ready as I left the bathroom my undies dripping and cum still falling right out I said I was tired and headed to my room nikau sat down for the rest of dinner I was upstairs picking out my sexiest clothes and preparing my self for his juicy cock it hit 8 30 and nikau entered the room his cock bulging from his boxers .

step broOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz