Chapter 1- Portal to the Bionis

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"Robin, where are you?" Lucina asked
Robin is in his workshop trying to make repairs to Ragnell for the legendary hero "Oh hello Chrom, have you seen Robin?"
"No i havent Lucina he skipped training this morning."

"I think i have finished all repairs on Ragnell although i dont think there was many repairs to make." Robin says looking at the fully repaired Ragnell. What time is it i need to go to training with Chrom hmm. "Ah Robin!"
"Lucina! Whats up?"
"Did you forget about your training with Chrom this morning?"
"Oh i see... well uhh... i was uhh."
"Fixing Ragnell, why you cant wield it?"

"Do you think Marth became king from flunking his training?
"No but i..."
With all that being said and done Robin and Lucina headed out to find Chrom little did they know that there was a perculiar shadow watchimg them in shape of a robot type creature this machine went in to try and take Ragnell but Ragnell was already gone the robot headed back out to inform his bretheren when someone shouted "Aether" the power of Ragnell was powerful enough to cut through the tough shell of this machine.

When Robin returned he noticed Ragnell was no where to be found however when Robin went outside a blue portal opened Robin jumped in with hope to find the missing sword
"Robin!" With that being shouted a bule haired figure went by as Lucina looked and saw Ragnell but before she could say anything Ragnell and Robin were gone.

As Robin woke up he found himself in a strange place he looked all around in hope to finding where he was however the only thing that worried him were the Mechon surrounding him as Robin tried to fight them with the Tevin sword and his magic tomes he realised he couldnt do much.
"Backslash!" And with the mysterious connection of the sword the Mechon were destroyed

"Hello my name is Shulk i dont think you are from around i want to welcome you to the Bionis!"

"You dont know the way back to Archanea do you?"
"What's Archanea?"
More Mechon start surrounding Shulk and Robin realising they cant get rid of it "Great Aether!" An exsplosion was able to get of all Mechon.
"Who is that?" Shulk asks as the smoke clears revealing a blue haired strong character

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