2. Casual talk

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Another boring day at work...

And it usually never happens that the store is empty for most of the day. So, I consider myself lucky. Add to that that both Jamie and Eric aren't here and you get yourself a double luck.

Well, not really... Because I'm bored. I'm standing behind the counter, chewing the fifth gum since the beginning of my shift, bored out of my mind. I already read all the magazines that the store is selling (well, more like flipping through them), and cell phones are not allowed. Eric always rewatches the security camera footage so if he sees me taking even the smallest peek at my phone... Yeah, 10% off my salary. That's why I stored it in my locker because I know I'll be tempted if it's in my pocket.

I glance at the wall clock directly in front of me. 8:05 PM. Two more hours until the end of my shift... and I already restocked everything needed.

I sigh and mentally pray for someone to come in so that I have something to do. As long as it's not some drunk creep...

The entrance door slides open and tingles a sound. I immediately straighten up my posture and bow, keeping a wide smile.

"Welcome!" I greet the customer and straighten back up. My smile immediately fades away as I'm met with those hazel eyes.

"Oh, hi there again," he smiles and I'm again at a loss for words. I see him glance down at my name tag, "Melanie," he speaks my name in the hardest Korean accent (because my name is written in Hangul). Then he starts laughing and my body freezes as if someone dumped me in the cold waters of Antarctica.

But, despite my frozen state, I can feel my cheeks heating up the more he laughs. The sound is so pleasing to the ear and so addicting that my lips curl up on their own in a faint half-smile.

But then he suddenly stops laughing and looks at me with concern, "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at you or your name I just..." he seems uncomfortable but I smile more, absolutely enjoying his flustered self. He gathers himself and smiles again, "I'm Chris, by the way. But, also, my Korean name is Chan."

He introduces himself properly, he's speaking in English the whole time, and I find it so endearing as if he was being considerate, given the fact that I'm not Korean.

"I'm Melanie... as you read," I shrug and we share a small laugh, "I understand Korean but it's always easier to talk in English," we both nod.

"Yeah, we can do that. My parents are both Korean but I was born in Sydney," he explains and I am, honestly, shocked that he's sharing personal info.

"Oh, I was born and raised in the US, but my dad and I moved here when..." I stop and bite my tongue. We just introduced ourselves so there's no need to share more of my private life, "When he got a job in some huge-ass company," I shrug and he nods.

"How long has it been since you moved here?" Chris asks and I gulp.

I try not to show any unnecessary emotion on my face, "Ten years," I answer short and he nods again.

"That's... a lot," he agrees and we both continue nodding as the silence arises. "Oh, wait a sec," he raises his index finger and quickly runs off between the aisles in search of something. 

A minute later, Chris is in front of me again with a pack of toilet paper and two ice creams. I scan the items, his total comes up on the monitor, he pays for it, but then slides one ice cream on the counter towards me. I look at him in confusion.

"You deserve a break," he smiles and I shake my head, sliding the cold dessert back to him.

"I'm sorry, but I can't accept this... store policy," I shrug again but Chris slides the ice cream back to me.

Tattoo [BANG CHAN FF] ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora