Chapter Fourteen

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-Y/n's Pov: Time Skip, One week-

It's mid November

The homecoming dance is coming up, and so is Thanksgiving

It feels like just yesterday I was taken here in the back of a cop car- the day I met my mother and was shown what having a real parent was like

My life has just continued to get better since then and I'm finally starting to feel like a normal 17 year old

Also ever since the situation at Raisins, Wendy and her passé have steered clear of me- which is awesome

Tweek and I have only grown closer- I love him so much, he's supported me through everything and I've finally been able to open up to him about my dad

Craig and I are on much better terms now which is great- I didn't really want to have beef with my best friends boyfriend

Kenny and I haven't really changed much- we are just friends who flirt with each other occasionally

I'm not sure why but neither of us have taken the initiative to change that

Ever since we've dropped the act, it's been less romantic between us

I don't necessarily mind though- the harmless flirting is still enough for me- and it's not like he's been getting with any other girls

He still comes and visits me as Mysterion but not in a romantic way

We have just been getting to know each other better

I basically know his entire life story at this point and he knows mine

Neither of us are rushing anything which is perfectly fine

Although I'd really love a date to this dance

"Y/n let's go, I'm leaving!" my brother yelled from downstairs

"Coming" I yelled

I have actually grown fond of my brother, I'm used to his childish behaviors by now, and he can be genuine at times

I ran downstairs, grabbing my bag for school, I had decided on wearing a pair of brown cargo pants with a hoodie, pretty basic

"Sorry dude" I said as I threw on my beat down airforces

Once we got in the car I threw my hair into a ponytail and took out my headphones, sliding them over my ears so I didn't have to listen to Eric's odd music

We got to school and I hopped out of the car, pushing the headphones off one of my ears so that I could hear as I walked up to the boys

"Hey fellas" I smiled

They all smiled back

"You guys looking forward to the dance Friday?" I asked, subtly making eye contact with Kenny, who I hoped would ask me

"Not really- considering I'm going alone" Stan said "unless you wanted to go with me?" he offered

"Oh uh-"

"She's going with me" Kenny said, placing his elbow on my shoulder, I looked up at him and laughed

"Is that your way of asking me?"

His face slightly blushed "well I was going to ask you differently but Stan was trying to steal you" he admitted

"Sorry Stan- you heard the man" I said looking up at the blonde who was still resting on my shoulder

"Whatever" Stan said rolling his eyes "I'm just looking forward to Tolkien's party- it's going to be sick"

"Oh god" Kyle said "please don't get shit faced again"

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