1 - The Son

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Lady Cassandra Trevelyan, first of her name and Lady of the Household of Skyhold, sighs as she lets her eyes travel over the report in her hand, her fingers holding the parchment tightly as she tries to read the scrawl written on the page. She angles it to move it into a better light; the bright sunlight of the day has long gone and been replaced by the red and purple haze of dusk. No light is shining through the window of the office and the only one she can work from comes from the lanterns and the blacksmith's pit across the room from her desk. Another report that needed her attention, and expertise urgently, no doubt.

She turns her attention away from a moment, letting her head roll from side to side, trying to loosen a knot that had been bothering her for a couple of days in her shoulders. The Seeker lowers the report, placing it on top of the ever-growing pile that almost completely covers the surface of the wooden desk in the Requisition Office of Skyhold. She knew she'd been neglecting it recently, but she'd had so much else to occupy her thoughts and her time.

Cassandra lowers her eyes and can't help but smile to herself when she glances towards the small boy that is tucked up under a blanket and fur, and in a wooden crib beside her. A crib that is much too small for him, but allows her to still have him at her side. She stretches her leg and foot out to the wooden rocker, using the toe of her boot to gently rock the crib that her child sleeps soundly in. Robert was a distraction, but he was a wonderful addition to their family. The two years and a few months they'd had him had gone by so quickly, but they'd loved every minute of their time with him. It wasn't always easy juggling him and work, but there was always someone willing to lend a hand and offer their support. The Seeker lifts her hand to cover a yawn. She didn't think anyone would begrudge her some downtime after the years that they'd had. It was getting late in the day, she was ready for dinner and some time with her husband.

Lady Trevelyan leans forward in her seat and reaches into the crib, her hand moving to brush a strand of his dark hair out of his face, her eyes settling on his closed ones. She'd been trying to convince her boy for hours that he should be resting, and was glad that he was now sleeping peacefully. Cassandra glances up when she hears a knock on the door, a sound of two strong raps against the wood. She quickly checks his face and sees that he hasn't been woken by the sound and still asleep. Their son had been born and was growing up in a place that was never completely quiet and always full of hustle and bustle, she was sure he had slept through worse.

"Enter.." The Seeker begins giving her head one last roll as the door is pushed open and one of her Officers steps in, closing it tightly behind him. He bows his head in greeting, waiting at the door for her to acknowledge him further. "What is it?" Cassandra asks when she sees the Officer give her a weak smile and hold up another report for her.

"I have another report for you, My Lady." The Officer begins, she watches him step cautiously into the room as he holds it out to her. Cassandra bites her bottom lip lightly trying to hide her smile, she was certain she had no idea why people were so worried about upsetting her. She'd only been angry a handful of times when she'd been interrupted before while she was working. The Seeker was certain Lord Trevelyan had been exaggerating stories about her again. "It is the plans for the extension to the medical wing. I can have work begin immediately." He adds lowering his voice when he sees the toddler asleep beside her.

He moves towards her desk and she sees his eyes lower to where Robert sleeps and he gives her a small smile. The Inquisition and Skyhold's inhabitants were very used to seeing the Little Lord running around the place, a child's laughter was more often than not, heard echoing off of the old walls, these days.

"Are you certain we have all of the materials you need?" Lady Trevelyan asks seeing him give her a positive nod. Skyhold was currently groaning under the weight of the resources and materials they had stockpiled. They had set up important and successful trade links, sourced valuable resources and had a strong and perfected infrastructure.

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