10 - The Healing

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Lady Cassandra Trevelyan, first of her name and Lady of the Household of Skyhold, lets out a loud laugh as she gently kicks on her horse, urging it to move faster when she can hear the sound of his horse that is quickly catching up with hers. Cassandra looks over her shoulder and lets her eyes settle on the man that is currently racing her back to Skyhold, her husband and Inquisitor, Ashton Trevelyan. The Seeker turns her attention back to the mountain path, the bright green of the trees flashing past her as they ride back towards their home with the warm sun beating down on them. Cassandra hears him clicking his tongue and realises how close he is, the steady and fast rhythm of their horses now in time with each other.

Cassandra glances at him again and notices that he gathers the reigns in his fist and kicks his mount to keep up this speed and that he rides with as much confidence as he had always done. It had been six months since Lord Trevelyan had lost his arm, six months since he'd had his last nightmare, and six months since they'd been enjoying the rest of their lives and he'd begun healing. Lady Trevelyan smiles when she notices he is watching her, seeing him smile back in a way that only a man that was finally free could do. A man that was no longer in pain, and that had his whole life to look forward to.

"Shall we keep going?" Cassandra calls to him as she motions her head towards next path that they are quickly approaching and would lead them up to the grassy meadows that overlook Skyhold, where their horses would often be grazed and there were fields of flowers as far as the eye could see.

"Let's do that." Lord Trevelyan calls back to her with a smile that she recognises as a man that remembers how much he enjoys relaxing with her in the long grass, and how on a summers day it felt like they were the only people in the world.

She smiles and nods lightly before gathering her horse beneath her and guiding it up the path, a lesser-used grass and mud track that winds higher around their fortress until they are high above it and can look down on their home. Cassandra slows until her horse is at a gentle trot and hears Lord Trevelyan letting his mount follow hers, both of them forgetting altogether about their race as they follow the trail until it meets the large wooden gate that leads to the fields and meadow. The Seeker brings her horse to stand and carefully swings her leg over and climbs down to the ground, lifting the reigns over her mounts head and leading him through the gate.

"It is such a beautiful day." Cassandra sighs as she lifts her head towards the sun, enjoying the warmth on her skin before she glances behind her and notices that Lord Trevelyan is leading his horse through the gate too and that he ties his mount to the fence so it can drink and then takes her reigns from her and does the same.

"It reminds me of the day we got married." Lord Trevelyan smiles at her. "The first time." He adds with a smirk and she watches him approach her and hold his hand out to her while she takes and slips her fingers through his.

"That reminds me.." Lady Trevelyan giggles when his eyes meet hers. "I have something for you." She whispers and notices the butterflies inside her when he smiles, that smile she'd fallen in love with when the world had been so much darker.

"I have everything I could ever want." The Inquisitor nods as she feels him continue walking further into the long grass and flowers and taking her with him until they can see the whole of Skyhold beneath them. "I have this.." He smiles and motions to their home. "I have Robert." Lord Trevelyan nods. "I have you." He whispers as she notices he lets go of her hand and wraps his arm around her to draw her closer to him.

"You will always have me," Cassandra whispers and lets her eyes meet his, wondering how she could be any more blessed than she was right now. Her husband was hers again, they were happy and life was finally peaceful for the three of them. "And, a son who can't keep quiet now he knows how wonderful talking is." She smiles and sees he does too, Robert was becoming quite the talker and they'd loved every minute of listening to his excited chatter and observations of the world.

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