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Here we have a list of drafts that have more than 2 chapters currently:

1: Love is Bondage

2: Where the road takes us

3: The Red Cord of our marriage

4: I will always love you

5: Coincidence or not?

The above are the ones with book titles.

There is also unnamed ones like:

1: This lowkey indian book i started

2: This mafia romance I got

3: This billionaire love story

Nb: All of these have at least 2 chapters.

So to make life easier for you, my dear silent readers(If any one even reads this), I'm attaching a comment that you can like if you want the story.

You can like as many stories as you want.

Just remember,

Your wish is my command.

Also, just so you know, my last assessment is next week Monday, so if they think its safe for me to to back to living with people then I'll have full access to my gadgets and can write to my heart's content.

Love you,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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