The Start of a Journey

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  Prince de Faurtelauna, or Prince Colt, is sitting on the left side of the dinner table beside his father, Ryan. His mother, Andrea, died by his Aunt Linderland. She said that Andrea was an ugly motherfu- and other things. Linderland ended up dying by the Londer King, Tarturoos. They found her body beside Andrea's gravestone. Colt knew most people were evil, even at the age of 14. He wasn't very bright, or anything better than anyone else. The most amount of brains he had were sitting in outer space. If you couldn't tell, he's not very smart, or at least, wasn't. Yeah, he's dead now. I am his killer, his ex girlfriend, Vandergeeten. Princess Jo Vandergeeten. I hated the name Jo, so I went by Vandergeeten, it's not much, but I like it better.
  Now that you know my story, let me start on my dead ex.

  "May I have some sugar, father?" Colt politely asks his father. His father was a scary man, but to his children, he was a sweet man. Colt's mother died a year earlier, by his Aunt Linderland. Linder was a contract killer from Andrew's father's side. Only I know that because, I was in the same organization. I killed Andrew for self purposes. I wanted to be the "poor little girlfriend" who lost her boyfriend. Aren't I so perfect? I know.

  "Of course, my little Colt bear, how could I ever have a child sweet as you!" King Ryan teased, he absolutely loved Colt. Some believed he was a creepy man.

  "Doesn't he know he has other kids?" Princess Adrina-Cornflower says. She was 10 when her mother passed, personally, I liked her best. She had that "killer" side to her. I knew she would be an amazing assasain one day. Anyway, King Ryan had one other child, Iris-Mayland. Adrina hated Cornflower, so she went by Ad, or just Adrina. The Princesses of Faurtelauna were overlooked by the King. He loved his only son. Women were very low in the class system.

  "Thank you Father," Colt says politely sipping his tea.

  "Anything for my Colt Bear. I love you,"
  "I think I might puke," Adrina sarcastically says 

  "Please don't, Father might hit us," Iris says scared. Iris was 9, she knew a lot for a 9 year old, I pitied her most.

  The dinner goes on for another 30 minutes and then they all go to bed, except Andrew, he waits in his room for the girl of his dreams to enter the tower. One of them. Hazelileah.[Pronounced: Hazel-eh-leah] Some peasant girl. He liked her a lot, although she only liked him to get to Adrina. Hazelileah went by Haze, because she was a witch, although no one knew. Not even her parents. Her grandmother told her on her death bed. Her grandmother's spirit always follows her around. Hazel can't see her, but knows she's always there.

  Andrew sits on his bed waiting for Hazel to sneak in. He was on the first floor of the castle and his many girlfriends snuck in that way. I did once. Good times. When Hazel comes in she lands feet first on the marble floor.

  "Hey, Colt!" She smiles at him, Colt liked her smile. He also liked her body, but she never let him touch it. That perv.

  "Hey Hazel," He hugs her, kissing her cheek. Hazel hated it, but anything to get to Adrina.

  "How are you?" Hazel starts to soften him up

  "Amazing! How about you," the innocent Colt didn't realize that question was so important.

  Hazel takes a deep breath and breaks it to him, "I- Andrew... I no longer like you. I have fallen for someone else..."

  "Uh- who could be better than me?" He wonders why this peasant didn't love him

  "First, I know you're a cheater and second, I- I'm bisexual and there's this girl... A-Adrina and I are dating..." She tells him of her and Adrina running away soon. She said her goodbye and left to go to Adrina.

   "That hoe. I cannot believe Adrina would do this to me. I shall tell father immediately." He runs out of his room upset and angry. He didn't like that Adrina took Hazel, nor did he like that they were running away. It was ridiculous! I personally would call him a hypocrite. I do call him a hypocrite. Why can't I cheat if he cheats?

  Meanwhile in Adrina's room...

  "I told Andrew about us and the running away..." Hazel spits out helping Adrina pack the rest of her stuff

  "What-? We have to go now." Adrina zips up the bag and grabs her emergency ladder. Adrina was on the second floor, so she had an emergency ladder in the case of an emergency.

  "Wait... is he gonna?"

  "Yes, now come on," Adrina throws the ladder out the window and starts to climb down. She then realizes the guards outside, "Crap. What do we do?"

  "I have an idea..." Hazel's hands begin to glow a white aura. They dissapear into a dark forrest.

  "You have magic?!" Adrina was surprised by Hazel being a witch

  "Um... yeah?" Hazel, "My family doesn't even know, I never had the guts to tell them."

  Hazel's brown eyes were very dark, that they almost were black. Her curly dark hair was pretty, I can't judge Adrina for liking her. Hazel had good looks.  didn't deserve her. He didn't deserve any women. I guess that's why he ended up with a man.
  Did I spoil it? Oops. You'll see later, but returning to Hazel and Adrina's problem.

  "Wait, I thought that magic was genetic," Adrina questions

  "It is, my grandfather's side. I happen to get the gene," Hazel shrugs looking around for any sign of life or some sort of building, "Guess we'll have to rough it."
  Hazel walks around and notices a shadowy figure. She starts to walk nearer to it. Personally if this was me I wouldn't approach it, but Hazel goes near it. The shadowy figure was in fact a shadow. Black dust and smoke blew off of it. The shape of it looked like an old woman hunched over.

  "Grandma?" Hazel asked looking at the figure with curiosity. She puts her hand out and nothing happened. The shadow just stared at her. Doing nothing. The woman had a low bun, that was messy. She turned into a teenage girl with blue, pink, and green, cotton candy colored hair.

  "I'm not grandma..." she looks down at Hazel, "I'm Lilac Penrose. Of the Forbidden Kingdom."

  Adrina turns and her mouth drops. Hazel looked at the girl with a surprised expression. It even surprised me. The Forbidden Kingdom hasn't been seen in years. They were called "Forbidden" for a reason.

  300 years earlier...

  Lilac was running through the village, confused, unknowing. Why did she have the power to shadow walk? In each realm, one person had the ability to shadow walk. Usually a human. They called these people, shadow walkers. They could shape shift, blast powerful black plasma blast and turn into shadow's. Shadow walking wasn't hard. They could become someone else's shadow, or use shape shifting to become a shadow person. Lilac didn't want to be a shadow walker. She was a normal peasant. A normal human. Not some monster known to take down civilizations. The worst part was, shadow walkers had longer life's. The most a shadow walker has lived up to was 2000. Lilac didn't want to live for 2000 years.

  "No, no, no, no, no, no," Lilac spoke to herself running out of town. She needed to get away. Away from Ursautic, now known as the Forbidden Kingdom. Lilac's family didn't need anymore bad reputation.

  "Hey, Lilac!" She heard her best friend, Gabe yell.

   "Not now..." she muttered turning to face Gabe. He was 6, 8. She was 5, 10. Tall for a 16 year old girl. Gabe was one month younger than her. One time he tried to ask her out, but she had to tell him she was aromantic and didn't feel the same. They stayed friends though.

  "Lilac? Are you going out of town?"  He asked her curious

  "Just for the moment. I need to handle something, and I need to be alone,"

  "Is this some asexual thing?" He dared to question

  "What?! No," she tries not to laugh.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 27 ⏰

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