Chapter 17 - Farrin's Rage

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A steaming mad Farrin made her escape in all the chaos when Vasska rescued Nevaeh. She was furious her vampires failed at stopping the rescuing vampires and now irate that hers were all dead. She now had to recruit a new group and find a new witch to bond them to her. She made her way to a mobster she once visited years before, in hopes to hire his help. She didn't have time to find a witch at the moment incase Nevaeh's vampires decided to move her. Then she would have to start all over in her search and she did not want that. The vampires that guarded the house remembered her from her previous visit and already knew she was a strange wood nymph.

Without saying a word, she waited at the bottom step until a tall dark vampire came out to usher her inside.

"He will be in to see you in a moment," the tall dark vampire informed her.

Farrin waited in the office for only a few minutes when the mobster entered.

"I can't say it's a surprise to see you again, but I can say it's a surprise to see you alone," Lazario greeted her.

"My vampires were killed," she angrily huffed.

"How, may I ask?" Lazario was definitely interested. He casually made his way to his expensive leather chair and sat, never taking his eyes off the weird wood nymph who was making waves in several circles.

"A group of vampires attacked us," she hissed.

"Why," his tone told Farrin that he found it quit humorous, to say the least.

"It doesn't matter. What matters is I need a new group. Something was stolen from me and I want it back," she bitingly spoke each word.

"Well, I'm not sure if I can be of service, so tell me how many are you looking for," Lazario asked her.

"I need about ten vampires that have been trained in fighting," her icy gaze pierced Lazario, un-fazing him.

"Trained in fighting? Hmmm..... What did you say was stolen from you?" Lazario was fishing.

"I didn't," Farrin snapped at him. "But if you must know.....  My granddaughter was taken."

"That girl you said you were looking for a few years back?" Lazario was beginning to put two and two together.

"Yes.    I finally found her and I want her back," Farrin gave Lazario a menacing glare.

"Tell me, was she in the company of four vampires? One in particular that sort of resembles me."

"Yes, she was. Why?" Farrin's eyes squinted in suspicion.

"Oh no reason," a wicked grin spread across Lazario's face.

Farrin interrupted him, "YOU... You are the reason they found me." Farrin seethed with anger as she stood and leaned over Lazario's table. "Then you and your vampires will help me get her back."

Lazario stared Farrin down until she backed up and sat back down. "There... Now, I would help you but I do not know where he lives. I've tried for years to locate him and never once got even so much as a clue."

"I know exactly where they are," she smiled evilly.

"Then, if you have enough money, I think we can be of use," he returned an evil smile.



Nevaeh hoped her grandmother would forget about her but she seriously doubted that she would give up that easily. She tried to keep her mind off of things by playing games with the guys, reading books or cooking herself something to eat. But she knew the longer they stayed the chances of her grandmother trying to get her back was high.

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