Chapter 2: A Castle?

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We're standing outside, he's just given the money for me, I'm shocked he actually had it. The guy who took the money walks inside and then the guy who paid for me turns to me.

"We're going to behave right?" He asks as he walks towards me, he's rather tall and built very similar to my human form. I'm powerless right now, I don't have a choice, so I nod. He smiles, "good." He takes the gag out of my mouth which by now was drenched in drool, not my fault, it was hard to swallow with that thing in my mouth. He turns his head and snaps his fingers causing a nearly jet-black horse to come running towards him. "My name is Noah, yours?"

"It's Helbram..." My voice is low, it's difficult trying to hide the hostility and hatred in it.

"Well, Helbram ready to head away from this place? I'm sure someone's going to try to attack me now, so it's best not to stay here for too much longer." I nod before he helps me onto the horse, then gets on himself. He's trying to act funny but, anyone who'll place a bet that recklessly must have bad intentions, and I don't remember hearing his voice before then, so it was his first and only bet. I wonder if he knew there'd be a fairy there, nobody else seemed to act like they knew.

We rode for several hours; it was a full moon though it was hard to see through the clouds. We approach a forest, not a familiar forest but it is a forest none-the-less. Heading into it we take a very strange and confusing path, soon arriving at a... Uh... Not big enough to be a castle but not small enough to be anything else. Well, it's some kind of castle imitation.

"And we're finally back home." He gets off the horse before helping me down. "Please be quiet, it's late and I don't want to wake anything." I nod, following him into whatever you would call this building. Upon walking in I instantly recognize the smell, it's sweet like a honeysuckle although it just makes me hungrier. The inside is much like the outside, a small imitation of a castle. No guards though, it's missing the small guards.

We quietly walk through several long, kind of boring hallways. We entire a new hallway, well, by new I mean it's different, the rest of them had carpet on the floor, this has marble, also the corners are rounded instead of straight edges. Kind of strange but-

My train of thought is interrupted as he suddenly grabs my shirt and pins me against the wall, my feet aren't touching the ground.

"I'm only going to tell you this once!" His look is much darker and more serious than I've seen it, knowing how powerless I am this is making me nervous. "Every single time you hurt him I'll tear a piece of one of your wings off, and I'll make sure it doesn't kill you." Eh, huh? "Do you understand?"

"Wha-what?" I mumble which seems to have made him mad.

"I'm giving you to someone, if you hurt them, I'll make sure you regret it." I can't form any words, so I just shut my mouth and nod without breaking eye contact. "Good, just play nice and everything will be fine." He says this as he lets me go and begins walking again. My heart is racing, some humans can be terrifying, epically when you're powerless. I follow him, that threat, he doesn't care about selling my wings at all, he doesn't care about how much money they could get him, if he really is willing to rip pieces of my wings off just for hurting someone then... I don't know, but it's scary to think about!

We arrive at a door which is too short for Noah to walk through without ducking, it's a perfect height for me maybe two or three inches taller than me. Why such a small door? The other doors were taller than Noah so why is this one different?

"He'll be asleep so stay quiet and do exactly as I say." I nod before he opens the door. The rooms' noticeably colder than the hallway, it sent shivers down my spine. Looking in it, the floor is wooden, and the walls look soft? How weird. Noah walks into the room quietly and I trail behind him. Now I notice that in the corner is a raised bed with a desk under it, I think there's a person asleep in it. He walks to it and gently moves the sleeping person back before taking a very long pillow off the bed before forcing me to take the pillow's spot. I look over at him confused then he points to the person asleep now next to me. It's a little boy, his hair is messy and longer than mine. It has several layers making it look even messier. He looks pale, almost sickly, he's small, I can't really tell how old he is. "You better not wake him up, okay?" Noah mumbles, I nod my head as he pulls the cover over the both of us. "Sleep well." He almost mockingly says while leaving.

He didn't even untie my hands, there still behind me, under my wings, which is pretty painful laying on my back! I lay here staring at the ceiling for a pretty long time almost entering that half-asleep state again, but I got interrupted. The boy put his arm around me and laid his head on my chest; he's not awake; he's still completely out cold. Why's he moving in his sleep? Is that normal for humans? A few minutes pass and he wraps his legs around mine. Th-this is annoying! I clinch my teeth together trying not to yell at him to get off me. I'm so annoyed by it that I didn't even notice something. I calmed myself down after a few minutes of listening to his annoyingly raspy and troubled breathing. I stare at him for a long time, getting more and more annoyed by his breathing and how close he is. 

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