Chapter Fifteen

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-Y/n's POV: Time Skip, After School-

The bell rang and everyone sprinted to their cars, I got to Eric's car and decided to text Heidi

Y/n: Thank you for reaching out today :)
Heidi: No problem
Heidi: Can you come to my car quick
Y/n: I think Eric will kill me if he gets here and i'm not here
Heidi: It'll be quick

I scanned the parking lot for Heidi, she was waving me over so I walked to her

"Want to join the cheer squad?" she asked

I bursted out laughing- "Yeah right- Wendy and Bebe are captains are they not?"

"Yes but one of our fliers broke her ankle during practice last week and since you're so tiny you'd be the perfect fit" she said "plus our coach decides who's on the team"

"I've never cheered before- one of my dad's girlfriends taught me some gymnastics before he-" I stopped myself from what I was about to say

"Before he what?" she asked

"Before he broke up with her" I lied- not wanting to tell her my dad actually murdered people "it was a really hard breakup because I really liked her" I said

"Okay it's done then- let's go- practice starts in 10 minutes" she said grabbing my arm

"Let me tell my brother" I said grabbing my phone

Y/n: Staying after school, I'll get a ride home
Eric: Ok
Eric: Are you still meeting up with us after, the guys wanted to go to Kenny's after dinner
Y/n: Yeah ttyl (Eric liked this message)

I tucked my phone into my pocket and followed Heidi into the gym 

"No way" Wendy mumbled as she looked up from stretching "Heidi what were you-"

"Hey Heidi Bear" the coach said as she walked up to us "who's this?"

"Hey mom" she smiled "this is Y/n and I talked her in to filling in for our flier"

"I didn't know your mom was the coach" I said to Heidi

"Surprise" she laughed "you have nothing to worry about"

"Well Y/n- we have a big game on Friday because it's homecoming" she said "so we will have to whip you into shape"

"Alright girls!" coach Turner yelled "Y/n is our new flier so Red and Heidi as the other two fliers you will be helping her"

Red groaned and Heidi grinned

"The rest of you introduce yourselves and make her feel welcome- remember we are a family and if Friday doesn't go well- well you guys know what'll happen" she finished by clapping her hands

Heidi and Red walked with me over to a set of mats, "so what will happen exactly" I whispered

"We will be forced to do sprints all of practice on Monday- so as much as I don't like you- I hate that more" Red said

They spent the next thirty minutes teaching me everything that I needed to know, from poses to chants to formations

"You're a natural" Heidi said

"Thank god- looks like we won't be doing sprints" Red laughed

Red was actually being really nice to me despite everything that had previously happened

"Thanks guys- you have really helped me a lot"

"No problem" Red smiled "you're not half bad- especially for a Cartman"

"Alright girls! Line up!" Coach yelled

We ran to the middle of the gym and stood in our formation- "okay let's run the halftime show cheer" she said

She played the music and we began performing the cheer, my base consisted of Nicole, Annie and Jenny

The other sets were Red with Bebe, Lola and Nelly as her base and then Heidi with Wendy, Millie and Heather

The cheer went perfectly, I was able to stick all my landings and the girls held me up perfectly

Once the music stopped our coach started clapping, "awesome job ladies! you are more than ready for Friday!"

I smiled and high-fived the girls in my base

"You're awesome Y/n" Nicole said "sorry if I misjudged you before"

"Yeah same" the other girls said

"No problem guys- you are all awesome too" I said

Heidi walked over to me and we grabbed our waters

"I'll see you girls Wednesday!" coach yelled

"Could you bring me home?" I asked Heidi who was still drinking her water

"Obviously I'll bring you home" she laughed "you live right down the street from my house anyways"

"Okay thanks" I said "when are our practices?"

"Monday Wednesday and Friday- but typically Friday is more like a pep talk before the football games"

"I've never gone to one of our football games" I said

"Really?? Well I guess i'm not surprised since your brother quit last year" she said

"My brother played a sport" I laughed "I can't picture it"

"All of his friends played" she said "Stan is a star quarterback- Kenny's our best receiver and Kyles a pretty good kicker"

"Kenny plays?" I asked, my face turning slightly pink at the thought of preforming in front of him on Friday

"Aren't you guys pretty good friends" she asked "how do you not know this"

"No idea" I laughed

"Alright let's head out" Heidi said as I followed her to the car

As we walked out I saw the football team leaving practice from the field as well- I spotted Kenny with his shirt off, sweat dripping down his wet hair

Beside him was Stan and Kyle who also had their shirts off- none of them were a bad sight

"My cars over here" Heidi said, catching my attention

We got in and listened to f/m all the way home- I was shocked that Heidi had such good taste in music

"Thanks for everything today Heidi- you're the best" I said as I got out of the car

"No problem, you're pretty cool yourself" she said as she pulled away

I walked in and went to the kitchen where my mom was preparing dinner, "I joined the cheer squad" I beamed

"Congratulations dear!" she said "I was on the cheer squad when I was your age- best flyer on the team"

"Really? That's my position" I said

"I must have passed my talents on to you" she said continuing to make our dinner

I felt my phone buzz

Three new messages
Stan: Was that you walking out of cheer practice?
Kyle: Since when are you on the cheer squad?
Kenny: So you're a cheerleader now ;)

I rolled my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket, it was nearly time to go to Kenny's house anyways

"I'm going to go shower and change, be back down for dinner" I said as I walked upstairs

"Okay sweetheart" my mom said

I ran upstairs and got ready to go to Kenny's- I was kind of nervous but also excited

I packed a bag of clothes just in case I can't come home later- hopefully that's not the case though

A/n: That's a wrap for Chapter 15! Hopefully I can do a few more chapters this week, i love you guys.

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