chapter 7

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 “But I’ve never-”

“I know, but I trust you Snow, I really do. Will you do it?” he asked looking at her with pleading eyes.

Snow couldn’t believe it, this was going to be a challenge. Although she knew it was going to be very hard to suddenly start doing the exact opposite of what she’s learned her entire life, but the one thing she never does is give up. She looked at Robert.


Robert grinned. “Alright then, let’s get to work.”

Snow nodded.

“Snow, this is Mrs. Cecille Moreau, she is a very important client of ours.” Said Robert.

To Snow’s surprise, she was shaking hands with Mrs. Moreau.

“Vous allez etre affecte comme garde du corps de son fils.” Said Robert. (you are going to be assigned as a bodyguard to her son.)

Snow felt uneasy from the thought of protecting an opposite sex.

“Son?” asked Snow.

“Oui. Il ya eu des tentatives de prendre la vie de mon fils.” (yes. There has been attempts on my son’s life)

“Savez-vous pourquoi madame?” Asked Snow. (do you know why ma’am?)

Cecille nodded furiously and sighed.

“Mon fils prendra la releve entreprise  de mon mari quand il se tourne vingt –trios. Son anniversaire est la semaine prochaine……je redoute que les membres  du counseil sont quelque chose de la planification.” She said. (my son will be taking over my husband’s company when he turns twenty-three. His birthday is next week……I fear that the board members are planning something.)

Then suddenly Cecille bursted in tears, she took out a silk handkerchief from her pocket and dabbed her eyes.

“J’ai tellement peur quelque chose de terrible va lui arriver!” she cried, tearing flooding down her cheeks. (I’m so scared something awful will happen to him! )

Snow looked at her and felt sympathy towards her, she knew what it was like to feel the fear of losing someone, she felt it too just before Miyo died.

“Madame je vous le jure, je ne laisserai pas anyhting arriver a voltre fils.” Snow said reassuringly. (ma’am I promise you, I won’t let anything happen to your son.)

This seemed to have made Cecile relax a little. Robert said nothing and gave her time to compose herself again.

“Merci Snow.” She said smiling.

Snow did not smile back but nodded. Then just as she Cecille was about to speak again, her cell phone beeped. She took it out and read the new message that she got. After she was done, she hurriedly put the phone back into her bag and got up.

“Je suis desole mais je dois aller. J’ai completement oubile la reunion that’s va commencer dans dix minutes.” (I’m sorry but I must go. I completely forgot about the meeting that starts in ten minutes)

Robert smiled knowingly. “Bein sur, je vais un peu Snow sur cette cession.” (of course, I will brief Snow about this assignment.)

Cecile smiled and shook hands with both Robert and Snow and then she swiftly turned and hurriedly walked out of the room.

“Appelez-moi si vous avez des questions.” She said before she exited through the room. (call me if you have any questions.)

Right after she left, Robert took the file that was on the desk and gave it to Snow.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 06, 2011 ⏰

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